question form

Phy 231

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I just happened to look at the info on the grading policy for this course. I noticed that it says that the lab is 25% of the grade. I have done some of the labs, but here lately I have not because alot of times it says an average of 2-3 hours is required per lab. I work usually from 50-70 hours a week and when I get home I try to do the assignments to learn the material for the test. I am going to be a senior next year and I really just need to get a C in this class and also Physics 2 when I take it next semester. Does the lab have to be passing to get a C for this semester?

The lab has to be passing in order to pass the class.

That's the bad news. The good news is that it isn't all that hard to at least pass the lab.

I suggest you see what you can do in an hour. You can often reduce the number of trials and, if you're careful, still get reasonable results that will get you into the analysis fairy quickly.

I can give then you feedback on whether your work on each lab is passable.