Bottle Experiment 3D


course Phy 242

May 10

Brief Bottle Experiment 3d


The setup is the same as for experiment 3 c, except that this time the vertical tube won't all be vertical.

Let the vertical tube flop around any way it will, but have the end of the tube 40 cm above the water in the bottle.

Take data to determine the change in the length of the air column in the pressure tube, relative the the original atmospheric-pressure length, as you heat the system until water begins to flow slowly out of the tube. Allow water to flow slowly out as you make a measurement.

Report you data and how you measured it, then answer the question: What is the length of the air column, as a percent of its atmospheric-pressure length?


I observed that this system moves a LOT faster than the last one.

Once you uncap the pressure tube on the lower bottle, the water starts pushing out the tube instead of filling of the other bottle.

Test 1: showed that when both pressure tubes were in the capped position, having hot water run over it, it pushed water out of the supply bottle into the other bottle and began siphoning the water.

Test 2: Once I got the bottle siphoning again and released the pressure off of the supply bottle, it quit the siphoning process and equalized.

Test 3: When the siphoning process began, I left the supply bottle pressure tube capped, and opened the pressure tube on the other bottle, it stopped the siphoning completely and equalized.

Test 4: The bottle wouldn’t siphon AT ALL when both pressure tubes were in the un-capped position.


Repeat, but this time have the middle of the tube at least 60 cm above the water level in the bottle. The end will still be at the 40 cm height. Adjust the flow of the tap so that no air enters the tube from either end during your measurement of the pressure tube.

Report you data and how you measured it, then answer the question: What is the length of the air column, as a percent of its atmospheric-pressure length?


The higher you move it, the longer it’s going to take to do the process.

Also, the higher you go, the catched bottle water will soon go back into the supply bottle again.

I didn't really understand how to make the length of the air column as a % of it's air pressure length, but I think I got the concepts of these right.



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