course PHY 202

I can not find the link that takes me to the page that shows everything that I have submitted with the submit work form and that shows feedback.

I emailed you a copy of the access information with the instructions, as well as a direct link.

This is the data from today's in class light experiment.We kept the paper behind the cylinder of water in about the same place for each distance and we started at the furthest distance that you could barely see that there were two beams of light and worked inward.

distance to distance

candle from between light

cylinder beams

166.5 cm 1 mm

160 cm 1 mm

150 cm 1.5 mm

140 cm 1.5 mm

130 cm 2 mm

120 cm 2mm

110 cm 2.5 mm

100 cm 3 mm

90 cm 3 mm

80 cm 3 mm

70 cm 4 mm

60 cm 4.5 mm

50 cm 5 mm

40 cm 7 mm

30 cm 10 mm

20 cm 15 mm

10 cm 48 mm


Good data. We will investigate this system further in tomorrow's class.