pendulum counts in-class

PHY 201

Your 'pendulum counts in-class' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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Your data report (start on the next line):

7.75, 59, 2.54

15.5, 45, 2.54

31, 32, 2.54

Add your description of how you made your observations. Include an explanation of how much uncertainty there was in each observation, and explain how you arrived at your uncertainty estimate.

Your explanations (start on the next line):

I made my observations by forming a pendulum that was the length from my wrist to the tip of my middle finger. I measured the length of the string using a measuring tape and arrived at 7.75 inches, plus or minus .1 inches. I used an online stopwatch that rung after one minute had passed to measure the cycles of my pendulum. I counted one for every time the washer hit the left side of its cycle, meaning I measured full cycles and not half cycles. To double the length for the next trial, I doubled the string along itself, giving an uncertainty of about .1 inches again. Therefore, I find my total uncertainty to be about .3 inches (given that I measured the string three times) which is .762 cm, or about .8 cm. The uncertainty in the pendulum cycle counts is small because I did each trial twice and arrived at the same number of cycles.

&#Your work looks good. Let me know if you have any questions. &#