course 201
10/15 6pm
Class 091012Submitting the qa's for this course is recommended, but is more or less optional:
If you aren't making A's on your tests you probably need to do at least most of the q_a_'s.
If you can read through the entire qa, do the problems pretty much in your head (with ballpark estimates on the arithmetic--no need for calculator-punching) or with a few scratches on paper, see that you understand the process and the units of the given solutions, and if necessary jot down enough notes to be sure you'll retain what you understand and use it when needed, then you don't need to waste time submitting them.
If there is any problem you aren't completely sure of, then you should submit including a self-critique, for my feedback. You don't need to answer every question; only the ones you aren't sure of.
If you don't answer a question I will assume you understand it thoroughly. If you don't submit a q_a_ I will make the same assumption.
If you find later that you need to work through a previously assigned q_a_ (perhaps because you didn't really understand what you thought you did), it will always be accepted and I will always post my response.
Don't delude yourself into thinking you understand the given solution when all you're doing is recognizing most of the words. If you can't work a problem without looking at the solution, you don't understand it. If you're skipping problems or qa's, you should periodically 'quiz' yourself by going back and working a few of the problems without looking at the solutions.
Energy Conservation in terms of `dW_ON_NC, `dPE and `dKE
We have previously seen the following:
Using F_net = m a and vf^2 = v0^2 + 2 a `ds on an interval between two events, we obtain
F_net * `ds = 1/2 m vf^2 - 1/2 m v0^2.
Defining `dW_net as F_net * `ds, and KE = 1/2 m v^2, the work done on the interval by the net force thus becomes
`dW_net = `d(KE).
F_net is the work done ON the mass m by the net force. The distinction between the force and work ON the system vs. force and work done BY the system is very important. We express the situation here explicitly by writing F_net_ON and `dW_net_ON. Our statement is thus expressed as follows:
The force F_net_ON does work on a system of mass m as it moves through displacement `ds in the direction of F_net, the work being equal to F_net_ON * `ds. We designate this as `dW_net_ON. Then, for this interval,
`dW_net_ON = `d(KE),
the work done ON the system by the net force is equal to the change in its kinetic energy. This is the work-kinetic energy theorem.
We have also defined potential energy as being equal and opposite to the work done ON the system by conservative forces.
It's pretty straightforward to break the work done by the net force into the work done by conservative forces (which will be associated with the change in PE) and the work done by nonconservative forces. This will give us the more general work-energy theorem:
Any net force is a combination of conservative and nonconservative forces (one or both of which can be zero). So F_net_ON can be expressed as
F_net_ON = F_net_ON_cons + F_net_ON_noncons,
The work done by the net force is therefore equal to the work done by conservative forces plus the work done by nonconservative forces. In symbols we have
`dW_net_ON = F_net_ON * `ds
= (F_net_ON_cons + F_net_ON_noncons) * `ds
= F_net_ON_cons * `ds + F_net_ON_noncons * `ds
= `dW_net_ON_cons + `dW_net_ON_noncons,
where we make the obvious definitions
`dW_net_ON_cons = F_net_ON_cons * `ds and
`dW_net_ON_noncons = F_net_ON_noncons * `ds.
`dW_net_ON = `dW_net_ON_cons + `dW_net_ON_noncons,
the work-kinetic energy theorem `dW_net_ON = `dKE becomes
`dW_net_ON_cons + `dW_net_ON_noncons = `dKE.
We call this the work-energy theorem.
Now note that `dW_net_ON_cons is the work done by conservative forces on the system, which our definition of `dPE says to be equal and opposite the change in PE.
So `dW_Net_ON = - `dPE and our work-energy theorem `dW_net_ON_cons + `dW_net_ON_noncons = `dKE becomes
-`dPE + `dW_net_ON_noncons = `dKE.
Let's abbreviate `dW_net_ON_noncons a bit as `dW_NC_ON, keeping in mind that this expression represents the total work done by all nonconservative forces acting on our system. Our restatement is
-`dPE + `dW_ON_NC = `dKE.
We add `dPE to both sides to get a more intuitive form of the statement:
`dW_ON_NC = `dKE + `dPE.
This says that the total work done on the system by nonconservative forces is equal to the sum of the changes in KE and PE.
Our focus for today will be to understand the three quantities, `dW_ON_NC, `dKE and `dPE in terms of systems we have observed in class.
Two-incline system
Students responding to the 09107 Class Notes clearly understood the following:
When the ball rolls down one ramp, we have seen that it loses gravitational PE and gains KE (it goes lower and speeds up).
When it travels up the other ramp it gains gravitational PE and loses KE.
However its PE when it reaches its maximum displacement on the second ramp is less than it was when it was released on the first ramp.
With every roll down one ramp and up the other, the gravitational PE decreases, as does the maximum KE of the ball when it reaches the point between the two ramps.
We now ask where that PE goes.
The simple answer is that it is dissipated, mostly by rolling friction between the ball and the ramp.
Let's look into some of the details:
`q001. Consider the ball rolling from rest down one ramp then rolling to rest as it travels up the other.
On this interval
Does its gravitational PE increase or decrease, and why?
Does its KE increase or decrease, and why?
Gravitation PE decreases, because the balls maximum point reached on the second ramp is lower than its initial position, and there is a direct correlation between gravitation potential energy and height.
Its KE has no net change as it starts at rest and ends at rest. The KE does change over the course of the event however, increasing as it rolls down the ramp (working with gravity) and decreasing as it rolls up the second ramp (working against gravity).
`q002. The work-energy theorem says that `dW_ON_NC = `dKE + `dPE.
The right-hand side of this expression is `dKE + `dPE. Based on your answers to the preceding question, is `dKE + `dPE positive, negative or zero?
Do you therefore conclude that `dW_ON_NC is positive, negative, or zero?
It is negative. `dKE is zero, and `dPE is a loss, so it is negative. This makes `dWonNC negative.
`q003. Assume that `dW_ON_NC is the result of rolling friction, so that `dW_ON_NC = F_frict_ON * `ds, where F_frict_ON is the force of rolling friction ON the system and `ds the displacement of the ball along the ramp. (there is a slight problem with this wording due to the fact that the ramps are not parallel, but we're going to 'gloss over' this for now)
From the sign of `dW_ON_NC, do you conclude that F_frict_ON is in the direction of `ds or opposite the direction of `ds?
Based on your understanding of frictional forces, do you think that F_frict_ON acts in the direction of the ball's motion, or opposite this direction?
Are you answers to these questions consistent?
Given that `dWonNC is negative, and displacement was not negative, the negative sign must be transfereed to F_frictON. This leads me to conclude that the force of friction on the system is in the opposite direction of `ds, and given that our position change was in the positive direction, this means that the force of friction was pulling the ball in the negative direction, the opposite of the balls motion.
This makes sense, as PE was lost and the ball slowed down significantly. If friction was helping the ball move forward, it would not make sense with the data.
Ball down ramp and to floor
The ball rolls from point A at the top of the ramp to point B at the bottom of the ramp then fall to point C, at which it makes its very first contact with the floor.
`q004. What three events occur at these three points?
What happens during the interval between the first and second events (we will call this 'interval 1')?
What happens during the interval between the second and third events (we will call this 'interval 2')?
Event one: ball is released from rest at Point A
Event two: ball reaches point B at which it begins to free fall off the table
Event three: ball makes contact with the floor at Point C
On interval one: The ball starts at Point A, which is the highest point in the system. As it rolls down the ramp, it loses height and thus loses gravitation Potential energy. But as it starts from rest, the incline of the ramp gives the ball speed, causing a positive increase in Kinetic energy. The non-conservative forces acting on the ball are friction pulling the ball in the opposite direction of its movement as it rolls down the ramp.
On interval two: The ball starts at point B, which is the second highest point in the system. As it free falls towards the ground, it loses height quickly, and thus loses its gravitation Potential energy quickly. The amount of work gravity is able to do on the system as it falls is much bigger than in interval one, and KE increases again, but much more dramatically than it did on Interval one. There are no non conservative forces acting on the ball as it free falls, unless air resistance is determined to be significant.
`q005. The only conservative force doing work during the entire interval from the first to the third event is the gravitational force. (An excellent question that came up in one of the groups is whether the normal force is conservative. For the steel ramp it turns out that it is, but the normal force acts in the direction perpendicular to incline, so there is no significant displacement in the direction of this force, and it has no significant effect on this energy situation. In some situations the normal force could be associated with a significant amount of energy, but analysis of these situations are beyond the scope of the course, except for the general statement that the slight flexing of the ramp does create some thermal energy (heat) at the expense of the ball's KE.)
It is obvious that the KE of the ball increases during both intervals.
What nonconservative forces (if any) act during interval 1?
What nonconservative forces (if any) act during interval 2?
On Interval 1 the non-conservative forces acting on the ball are friction pulling the ball in the opposite direction of its movement as it rolls down the ramp.
On Interval 2 there are no non conservative forces acting on the ball as it free falls, unless air resistance is determined to be significant.
`q006. How does the presence of nonconservative forces during interval 1 affect the KE change during that interval (e.g., is the KE change different than it would be if the nonconservative forces were not present, and if so would the KE change be greater or less in the absence of these forces)?
How does the presence of nonconservative forces during interval 1 affect the PE change during that interval?
You may answer according to your intuition, but also attempt to identify `dW_NC_ON, `dPE and `dKE. Specify whether each is positive or negative, and reconcile your conclusions with the equation `dW_NC_ON = `dPE + `dKE.
The nonconservative force of friction on interval one worked against the forward motion of the ball, thus slowing it, and decreasing its kinetic energy. The KE would be greater without the force of friction. I do not see how the nonconservative force of friction changes the PE, but using `dW_NC_ON = `dPE + `dKE, we get `dW_NC_ON = negative PE + O KE, thus `dW_NC_ON must be negative, and if it were zero, it would imply that PE would no longer be negative, and instead it would be zero. Thus, an elimination of nonconservative forces seem to eliminate a change in PE.
During this interval KE increases, so even if `dW_on_NC is zero, we still have `dPE + `dKE = 0 so that `dKE = - `dPE.
`dKE is greater than if `dW_NC_ON is negative.
`q007. Suppose that for interval 1, `dW_NC_ON is 1000 ergs and `dPE is 100 000 ergs. What then would be `dKE on this interval? (you don't need to know what an erg is to answer this question, but you're probably wondering; an erg is a unit of energy, it take 10 000 000 ergs to make a Joule, and a Cheerio contains something like a thousand Joules of chemical energy, maybe 15% of which you could use to actually perform work).
What would you estimate to be the PE change between the end of the ramp and the floor? What therefore do you think would be the KE change between event 1 and event 3?
`dW_NC_ON = `dPE + `dKE.
1000 ergs=100,000 ergs + `dKE
`dKE= -99,000 ergs
I would estimate the height change during event one to be 2 cm, and the height change during event two to be 80 cm. Thus, the `dPE during even two should be 40 times that of event one, or 4,000,000 ergs. `dW_NC_ON occurs only during the first interval, so it remains the same.
`dPE one +`dPE two= 4000000 ergs + 100000 ergs = 4,100,000 ergs
`dW_NC_ON = `dPE + `dKE.
1000 ergs= 4100000 ergs +`dKE
`dKE= -4099000 ergs
Rubber band block across table
Let event 1 be the release of the rubber band.
Let event 2 occur at the instant the rubber band loses contact with the block.
Let event 3 occur at the instant the block comes to rest.
`q008. What happens during the interval between the first and second events (we will call this 'interval 1')?
What happens during the interval between the second and third events (we will call this 'interval 2')?
Interval One: Elastic Potential Energy was increased as the rubber band was pulled taut, and is released when the rubber band is let go at Event one. At this point Elastic Potential Energy is then reduced to zero, bringing a negative change in potential energy. The kinetic energy of the rubber band is powered by the elastic potential energy, which moves the rubber band forward quickly
Note that the mass of the rubber band is small compared to that of the block, so its KE is relatively insignificant; the main KE change is in the block
Interval two: The rubber band hits the block, transferring its remaining elastic potential energy to it. There is no potential energy in the block itself. This energy is used, again showing a decrease in potential energy. Kinetic energy of the block increases as it takes from the rubber band, but decreases to 0 when it comes to rest. The overall kinetic energy change of the block is zero, as it started at rest and ended at rest.
On interval 2 the block began with significant KE, and lost it. What do we therefore conclude about `dW_ON_NC, and what is the source of that work?
`q009. Is there any change in gravitational PE between event 1 and event 3?
Is there any change in elastic PE on interval 1?
Is there any change in elastic PE on interval 2?
There is no change in gravitational PE in this system
There is a negative change in elastic PE on interval one as the rubber band is given its elastic potential energy before event one, and by event two it has been completely dissipated to the kinetic energies of the rubber band and the block.
There is no change in elastic PE on interval two.
`q010. Answer for each interval:
Is there any nonconservative force acting on the system, and if so what?
Does the KE of the system increase or decrease?
Interval one: there are no nonconservative forces acting on the system. The KE of the system increases as energy is transferred to the block, which is projected forward. With a decrease in PE and an increase in KE, it is possible that `dW_NC_ON = `dPE + `dKE is represented as negative `dPE + positive `dKE = 0
Interval two: the nonconservative force of friction acts on the block as it moves across the table top. The PE of the system does not change, as there are neither elastic or gravitation forces involved. `dW_NC_ON = `dPE + `dKE is then represented by negative `dKE + 0= negative `dW_NC_ON, which makes sense as friction would be working against the motion of the block, slowing it down.
`q011. Assume that the rubber band forces are completely conservative (not so, but assume the ideal case).
Assume that frictional forces dissipate .0002 Joule of energy for every centimeter the block slides.
Suppose that the rubber band initially stores .01 Joule of potential energy, and that the block slides 10 cm while the rubber band is in contact with it. How much KE will the block have at the end of interval 1?
F_nonconservative= -.0002 J/cm
`ds=10 cm
F_conservative= .01 J
F_con `ds + F_noncon `ds = `dKE
.01 J- .0002 J(10cm) = .008 J
`dKE=.008 J
`q012. Continuing the preceding question, what is the change in KE during interval 2, what is the change in PE during this interval, and what therefore is the work done by the nonconservative force?
The change in KE over interval two is negative, as the block goes from moving quikly to a stop. The change in PE nets to zero, as there is neither elastic or gravitational forces involved in the second interval. The work done by the nonconservative forces is therefore negative. `dW_NC_ON = `dPE + `dKE is represented by negative `dKE + 0= negative `dW_NC_ON, which makes sense as friction would be working against the motion of the block, slowing it down.
`q013. Continuing the preceding two questions, assuming that the frictional force is the only nonconservative force acting during interval 2, how far will the block therefore slide during this interval?
I am unsure of how to solve this problem
`q014. If a pendulum of length 10 cm is at its equilibrium position, then it is 10 cm vertically below the fixed point at which it is being held.
If it is then pulled back 6 cm in the horizontal direction, then since the string is still 10 cm long, the mass is still 10 cm from that fixed point.
How far, in the vertical direction, is the pulled-back pendulum below that fixed point? (Hint: sketch the figure, identify the necessary right triangle and use the Pythagorean Theorem)
How far does it therefore descend in the vertical direction, between release and return to its equilbrium position?
The hypotenuse would be 11.7 cm, and subtracting the length of the string leaves a 1.7 cm difference. This is the vertical difference between the equilibrium position and the six cm pullback position, and the descent that the pendulum makes when returning to equilibrium.
`q015. If the pendulum has a weight of .3 Newton, then how much work is done on it by the gravitational force, as it swings back to equilibrium?
By how much does its gravitational PE therefore change?
What therefore will be its KE at the equilibrium position?
I understand this concept but Im not sure how to use the given information to find the answer.
Your label for this assignment:
Copy and paste this label into the form.
Report your results from today's class using the Submit Work Form. Answer the questions posed above.
The topics we addressed today in class relate to q_a_'s #13 and 14. #13 was previously assigned.
Today q_A_14 is assigned.
No additional qa's will be assigned this week. This should give you time to catch up on the qa's.
However before the next class, if you don't have time to work all the qa's be sure you at least read them, and be sure you've at least got notes on the definitions of force, work, energy, kinetic energy and potential energy, and that you know and understand the details and the units of these calculations.
class 091007
Class 091012
Submitting the qa's for this course is recommended, but is
more or less optional:
- If you aren't making A's on your tests you probably
need to do at least most of the q_a_'s.
- If you can read through the entire qa, do the
problems pretty much in your head (with ballpark estimates on the
arithmetic--no need for calculator-punching) or with a few scratches on
paper, see that you understand the process and the units of the given
solutions, and if necessary jot down enough notes to be sure you'll retain
what you understand and use it when needed, then you don't need to waste
time submitting them.
- If there is any problem you aren't completely sure
of, then you should submit including a self-critique, for my feedback.
You don't need to answer every question; only the ones you aren't sure of.
- If you don't answer a question I will assume you
understand it thoroughly. If you don't submit a q_a_ I will make the
same assumption.
- If you find later that you need to work through a
previously assigned q_a_ (perhaps because you didn't really understand what
you thought you did), it will always be accepted and I will always post my
- Don't delude yourself into thinking you understand
the given solution when all you're doing is recognizing most of the words.
If you can't work a problem without looking at the solution, you don't
understand it. If you're skipping problems or qa's, you should
periodically 'quiz' yourself by going back and working a few of the problems
without looking at the solutions.
Energy Conservation in terms of `dW_ON_NC, `dPE and `dKE
We have previously seen the following:
Using F_net = m a and vf^2 = v0^2 + 2 a `ds on
an interval between two events, we obtain
F_net * `ds = 1/2 m vf^2 - 1/2 m v0^2.
Defining `dW_net as F_net * `ds, and KE = 1/2 m v^2,
the work done on the interval by the net force thus becomes
F_net is the work done ON the mass m by the net force.
The distinction between the force and work ON the system vs. force and work done
BY the system is very important. We express the situation here explicitly
by writing F_net_ON and `dW_net_ON. Our statement is thus expressed as
The force F_net_ON does work on a system of mass m as it
moves through displacement `ds in the direction of F_net, the work being equal
to F_net_ON * `ds. We designate this as `dW_net_ON. Then, for this
the work done ON the system by the net force is equal to
the change in its kinetic energy. This is the work-kinetic energy
We have also defined potential energy as being
equal and opposite to the work done ON the system by
conservative forces.
It's pretty straightforward to break the work done by the
net force into the work done by conservative forces (which will be associated
with the change in PE) and the work done by nonconservative forces. This
will give us the more general work-energy theorem:
Any net force is a combination of
conservative and nonconservative forces (one or both of which can
be zero). So F_net_ON can be expressed as
- F_net_ON = F_net_ON_cons + F_net_ON_noncons,
The work done by the net force is therefore equal to
the work done by conservative forces plus the work done by nonconservative
forces. In symbols we have
`dW_net_ON = F_net_ON * `ds
= (F_net_ON_cons + F_net_ON_noncons) * `ds
= F_net_ON_cons * `ds + F_net_ON_noncons * `ds
= `dW_net_ON_cons + `dW_net_ON_noncons,
where we make the obvious definitions
`dW_net_ON_cons = F_net_ON_cons * `ds and
`dW_net_ON_noncons = F_net_ON_noncons * `ds.
- `dW_net_ON = `dW_net_ON_cons + `dW_net_ON_noncons,
the work-kinetic energy theorem `dW_net_ON = `dKE
- `dW_net_ON_cons + `dW_net_ON_noncons = `dKE.
We call this the work-energy theorem.
Now note that `dW_net_ON_cons is the work done
by conservative forces on the system, which our definition of
`dPE says to be equal and opposite the change in PE.
So `dW_Net_ON = - `dPE and our work-energy theorem `dW_net_ON_cons
+ `dW_net_ON_noncons = `dKE becomes
-`dPE + `dW_net_ON_noncons = `dKE.
Let's abbreviate `dW_net_ON_noncons a bit as `dW_NC_ON,
keeping in mind that this expression represents the total work done by all
nonconservative forces acting on our system. Our restatement is
-`dPE + `dW_ON_NC = `dKE.
We add `dPE to both sides to get a more intuitive form
of the statement:
This says that the total work done on
the system by nonconservative forces is equal to the sum
of the changes in KE and PE.
Our focus for today will be to understand the three
quantities, `dW_ON_NC, `dKE and `dPE in terms of systems we have observed in
Two-incline system
Students responding to the 09107 Class Notes clearly
understood the following:
When the ball rolls down one ramp, we have seen
that it loses gravitational PE and gains KE (it goes lower and
speeds up).
When it travels up the other ramp it gains
gravitational PE and loses KE.
However its PE when it reaches its maximum
displacement on the second ramp is less than it was when
it was released on the first ramp.
With every roll down one ramp and up the other, the
gravitational PE decreases, as does the maximum KE of the ball when it
reaches the point between the two ramps.
We now ask where that PE goes.
- The simple answer is that it is dissipated, mostly by
rolling friction between the ball and the ramp.
- Let's look into some of the details:
`q001. Consider the ball rolling from rest down one
ramp then rolling to rest as it travels up the other.
On this interval
- Does its gravitational PE increase or decrease, and
- Does its KE increase or decrease, and why?
The ball ends up lower on the second ramp than it was when
released on the first. So from release to rest its gravitational PE
decreases. Thus the change in gravitational PE was negative.
The ball was released from rest and ended up at rest, so
its initial and final velocities were zero. Its initial and final KE were
therefore both zero, so the change in KE was zero.
`q002. The work-energy theorem says that `dW_ON_NC
= `dKE + `dPE.
The right-hand side of this expression is `dKE + `dPE.
Based on your answers to the preceding question, is `dKE + `dPE positive,
negative or zero?
Do you therefore conclude that `dW_ON_NC is positive,
negative, or zero?
`dKE was zero and `dPE was negative. Therefore `dKE
+ `dPE is negative (zero plus a negative is negative).
Since `dW_ON_NC
= `dKE + `dPE, it follows that `dW_ON_NC is negative.
That is, the work done on the system by nonconservative
forces is negative.
`q003. Assume that `dW_ON_NC is the result of
rolling friction, so that `dW_ON_NC = F_frict_ON * `ds, where F_frict_ON is the
force of rolling friction ON the system and `ds the displacement of the ball
along the ramp. (there is a slight problem with this wording due to the
fact that the ramps are not parallel, but we're going to 'gloss over' this for
From the sign of `dW_ON_NC, do you conclude that
F_frict_ON is in the direction of `ds or opposite the direction of `ds?
Based on your understanding of frictional forces, do you
think that F_frict_ON acts in the direction of the ball's motion, or opposite
this direction?
Are you answers to these questions consistent?
Since `dW_ON_NC = F_frict_ON * `ds is negative, F_frict_ON
and `ds must be of opposite signs.
When an object moves across a surface, the frictional
force exerted by the surface on the object resists its motion. Thus
friction acts in the direction opposite motion. This is completely
consistent with the fact that `dW_ON_NC is negative so that F_frict_ON and `ds
must be of opposite signs.
Ball down ramp and to floor
The ball rolls from point A at the top of the ramp to
point B at the bottom of the ramp then fall to point C, at which it makes its
very first contact with the floor.
`q004. What three events occur at these three
What happens during the interval between the first and
second events (we will call this 'interval 1')?
What happens during the interval between the second and
third events (we will call this 'interval 2')?
The first event is the release of the ball.
The second event is the ball's arrival at and departure
from the end of the ramp.
The third event is the ball's very first contact with the
On interval 1 the ball rolls from rest down the ramp.
On interval 2 the ball falls freely to the floor with a
small initial vertical velocity and a larger initial horizontal velocity.
`q005. The only conservative force doing work during
the entire interval from the first to the third event is the gravitational
force. (An excellent question that came up in one of the groups is whether
the normal force is conservative. For the steel ramp it turns out that it
is, but the normal force acts in the direction perpendicular to incline, so
there is no significant displacement in the direction of this force, and it has
no significant effect on this energy situation. In some situations the
normal force could be associated with a significant amount of energy, but
analysis of these situations are beyond the scope of the course, except for the
general statement that the slight flexing of the ramp does create some thermal
energy (heat) at the expense of the ball's KE.)
It is obvious that the KE of the ball increases during
both intervals.
What nonconservative forces (if any) act during interval
What nonconservative forces (if any) act during interval
Rolling friction is the only non-negligible
nonconservative force acting along the ball's line of motion during the first
interval. The normal force between the ramp and the ball is mostly
conservative (the steel ramp bends slightly but returns to its original shape as
the ball passes), but on, say, an earth ramp the normal force would be mostly
Air friction, which is pretty much negligible for a steel
ball at the speeds encountered in this experiment, is the only significant
nonconservative force encountered during the fall. (The floor will exert
nonconservative forces, but only after the balls very first contact.)
Note that gravitational
`q006. How does the presence of nonconservative
forces during interval 1 affect the KE change during that interval (e.g., is the
KE change different than it would be if the nonconservative forces were not
present, and if so would the KE change be greater or less in the absence of
these forces)?
How does the presence of nonconservative forces during
interval 1 affect the PE change during that interval?
You may answer according to your intuition, but also
attempt to identify `dW_NC_ON, `dPE and `dKE. Specify whether each is
positive or negative, and reconcile your conclusions with the equation `dW_NC_ON
= `dPE + `dKE.
The force of rolling friction, which is nonconservative,
causes the ball to pick up less speed than it would in the absence of friction.
So `dKE is lower than it would be were there no friction.
The change in altitude on the the first interval is from
the top of the ramp to the bottom, and as long as the ball gets from the top to
the bottom, the change in altitude isn't affected by the nonconservative forces.
The change in gravitational PE depends only on the change in altitude, so it
isn't affected either.
`dPE is negative, `dW_NC_ON is negative (the frictional
force does negative work on the ball, as we saw earlier), and `dKE is positive.
`dKE + `dPE is the sum of a positive and a negative
quantity, and must equal the negative quantity `dW_NC_ON. So the negative
`dPE must be greater in magnitude than the positive `dKE.
`q007. Suppose that for interval 1, `dW_NC_ON is
-1000 ergs and `dPE is -100 000 ergs. What then would be `dKE on this
interval? (you don't need to know what an erg is to answer this question,
but you're probably wondering; an erg is a unit of energy, it take 10 000 000
ergs to make a Joule, and a Cheerio contains something like a thousand Joules of
chemical energy, maybe 15% of which you could use to actually perform work).
What would you estimate to be the PE change between the
end of the ramp and the floor? What therefore do you think would be the KE
change between event 1 and event 3?
Since `dKE = -`dPE + `dW_NC_ON = -(-100 000 ergs) - 1000
ergs = +99 000 ergs.
The ball's position decreases by about a centimeter on the
ramp, and by about 100 cm between ramp and floor. So its 1000 erg `dPE on
the ramp is only about 1% of its `dPE from the end of the ramp to the floor.
We conclude that `dPE from ramp's end to floor is about 100 * (-100 000 ergs) =
-10 000 000 ergs.
So using the same reasoning as before the ball will gain
about 10 000 000 ergs - 1000 ergs = 9 999 000 ergs, which is not significantly
different than 10 000 000 ergs.
Rubber band block across table
Let event 1 be the release of the rubber band.
Let event 2 occur at the instant the rubber band loses
contact with the block.
Let event 3 occur at the instant the block comes to rest.
`q008. What happens during the interval between the
first and second events (we will call this 'interval 1')?
What happens during the interval between the second and
third events (we will call this 'interval 2')?
`q009. Is there any change in gravitational PE
between event 1 and event 3?
Is there any change in elastic PE on interval 1?
Is there any change in elastic PE on interval 2?
On interval 1 the rubber band loses PE as it snaps back.
On interval 2 the rubber band presumably doesn't change
its position or length (a small amount of vibration might occur, but will have
insignificant energy) so there is no elastic PE, and the block remains at the
same altitude so there is no change in gravitational PE.
`q010. Answer for each interval:
Is there any nonconservative force acting on the system,
and if so what?
Does the KE of the system increase or decrease?
Friction is the only significant nonconservative force
acting in the direction of motion.
The normal force is a mix of conservative and
nonconservative forces, but it acts in the direction perpendicular to motion so
it has no direct effect on the energy of the system. (the normal force is
related to the frictional force so is indirectly related to the work done on the
Both of these forces act during both intervals.
On the first interval the KE of the system, which is
initially at rest, increases.
On the second interval the system comes to rest, so its KE
`q011. Assume that the rubber band forces are
completely conservative (not so, but assume the ideal case).
Assume that frictional forces dissipate .0002 Joule of
energy for every centimeter the block slides.
Suppose that the rubber band initially stores .01 Joule of
potential energy, and that the block slides 10 cm while the rubber band is in
contact with it.
How much KE will the block have at the end of interval 1?
The rubber band loses its PE, so `dPE = -.01 Joule.
Frictional forces dissipate .0002 Joules of energy for
every centimeter, so if the block slides 10 cm frictional forces will dissipate
.002 Joules of energy. So `dW_NC_ON = -.002 Joules.
Solving `dW_NC_ON = `dPE + `dKE for the desired quantity `dKE
we get
`dKE = `dW_NC_ON - `dPE
(this says that the KE change is equal to the work done on
the system by nonconservative forces, which is in this case negative, plus the
potential energy loss).
Substituting our quantities we get
`dKE = -.002 J - (-.01 J) = .098 J.
In terms of just plain common sense, the rubber band gives
up .01 J of energy, which would all go into kinetic energy except that friction
'uses up' .002 J, leaving .0098 J.
`q012. Continuing the preceding question, what is
the change in KE during interval 2, what is the change in PE during this
interval, and what therefore is the work done by the nonconservative force?
The ball ends interval 1 with .0098 J of KE.
It ends up at rest.
So on the second interval, `dKE = -.0098 J.
Since `dPE on this interval is zero, we have
`dW_NC_ON = `dPE + `dKE = 0 + (-.0098 J) = -.0098 J.
`q013. Continuing the preceding two questions,
assuming that the frictional force is the only nonconservative force acting
during interval 2, how far will the block therefore slide during this interval?
Every centimeter, the nonconservative force (friction)
dissipates .0002 J. Thus
`dW_NC_ON = -.0002 J / cm * `ds.
`ds = `dW_NC_ON / (-.0002 J / cm) = -.0098 J / (-.0002
J/cm) = 49 cm.
`q014. If a pendulum of length 10 cm is at its
equilibrium position, then it is 10 cm vertically below the fixed point at which
it is being held.
If it is then pulled back 6 cm in the horizontal
direction, then since the string is still 10 cm long, the mass is still 10 cm
from that fixed point.
How far, in the vertical direction, is the pulled-back
pendulum below that fixed point? (Hint: sketch the figure, identify
the necessary right triangle and use the Pythagorean Theorem)
How far does it therefore descend in the vertical
direction, between release and return to its equilbrium position?
A sketch will reveal a right triangle with horizontal and
vertical legs, whose hypotenuse is 10 cm, with the horizontal leg of length 6 cm
representing the pullback.
The vertical leg represents the distance of the washer
below the fixed point.
The Pythagorean Theorem says that
a^2 + b^2 = c^2,
where and b are the legs and c the hypotenuse.
Letting the horizontal leg be represented by a, we solve for b:
b^2 = c^2 - a^2 so that
b = +-sqrt(c^2 - a^2).
Substituting we get
b = +- sqrt((10 cm)^2 - (6 cm)^2) = +- sqrt(100 cm^2 - 36
cm^2) = +-sqrt(64 cm^2) = +- 8 cm.
So the vertical leg is 8 units long, putting the washer 8
cm below the fixed point, and the washer is therefore 2 cm above its original
position (which was 10 cm below the fixed point).
`q015. If the pendulum has a weight of .3 Newton,
then how much work is done on it by the gravitational force, as it swings back
to equilibrium?
By how much does its gravitational PE therefore change?
What therefore will be its KE at the equilibrium position?
Its gravitational PE changes by an amount equal and
opposite to the work done by gravity as it swings back to equilibrium.
The gravitational force acts in the downward direction.
In the vertical direction the pendulum moves 2 cm downward.
The gravitational force, being in the same direction as
the vertical displacement, therefore does positive work on the pendulum.
This work is F_grav * `ds = .3 N * (2 cm) = .3 N * .02 m = .006 N * m = .006
We conclude that the PE of the pendulum therefore
decreases by .006 Joules. That is, `dPE = -.006 J.
Assuming that nonconservative forces (e.g., air
resistance) are negligible, our energy conservation equation
`dW_NC_ON = `dPE + `dKE becomes
`dPE + `dKE = 0 so that
`dKE = -`dPE = - (-.006 J) = .006 J.
This is how we formally represent the commonsense idea
that the thing loses .006 J of PE, and nothing gets in the way so it gains .006
J of KE.
Good work. See my comments.
Compare your results to those in the given solutions, which I've appended. See also the solutions to those last couple of problems and let me know if you have questions.