course 201
11-1 7 pmThis has been the most useful homework exercise for me so far.
Class 091028
`q001. ** One-step-at-a-time questions:
• If the velocity of a 5-kg object changes from +3 m/s to -2 m/s, what is the change in its velocity, and what is the change in its momentum?
`dv=vf-v0=-2 m/s – 3m/s=-5 m/s
`dmomentum=mvf-mv0=5kg(-2 m/s)- 5kg(3 m/s)=-10 kgm/s-15kgm/s=-25 kgm/s
• A 12-kg object experiences a velocity change of +2 m/s during a time interval of .01 second. What average force was exerted on it during that interval?
Acceleration=`dv/`dt=2 m/s /.01 s=200 m/s^2
Force=mass*acceleration=12 kg(200 m/sec^2)=2400 kgm/sec^2=2400 N
• What is the resultant of two displacement vectors, the first having magnitude 8 meters directed at angle 53 degrees, the second with x component -3 meters and y component -4 meters?
Theta=53 degrees
Xcomponent of first vector=8 m*cos(53)=4.8 m
Y component of first vector= 8 m*sin(53)=6.4 m
X component overall=-3 m +4.8 m=1.8 m
Y component overall= -4 m+6.4 m= 2.4 m
what therefore are the magnitude and angle of the resultant?
• Two objects collide, one of mass 5 kg and the other of mass 12 kg. The momentum of the 5 kg object changes by -40 kg m/s. What is the momentum change of the 12 kg object, and what is the change in its velocity?
The two objects have equal and opposite momentums, so the `dp of the 12 kg object is 40 kgm/s
40 kgm/s=12 kg(vf-v0)
`dv=3.3 m/s
• What is the direction of a displacement vector whose x and y components are +5 m and - 4 m? What are the components of a force vector of magnitude 80 N in the same direction?
The direction is down and to the right, as in a ball traveling down a ramp.
Theta=arctan(-4m/5m)=-38.7 degrees
360 degrees- 38.7 degrees=321.3 degrees
X component= 80N* cos(321.3)=62.4 N
Y component=80N*sin(321.3)=-50 N
• A rubber band chain exerts force 4 N when its length is 50 cm, and 12 N when its length is 80 cm. As the chain is extended from the first length to the second, what average force is exerted by the rubber band (assuming that the force vs. length is linear)? How much work is done by the chain during this interval?
Fave=4N+12N/2=8 N
Work=Fnet*`ds=(12 N-4N)*(80 cm-50 cm)=8 N(30 cm)=8N(.3 m)=2.4 kgm^2/sec^2=2.4 J
• A 200 kg mass is subjected to a net force of 1000 Newtons for half a second. What is its acceleration? What therefore is its change in velocity? What therefore is the change in its momentum? What is the impulse of the force on this interval?
1000N=200 kg(a)
A=5 m/sec^2
5 m/sec^2=`dv/.5 sec
`dv=2.5 m/sec
`dp=m*`dv=200 kg(2.5 m/s)=500 kgm/s
good, but impulse = F_net * `dt = 500 kg m/s; better to make an independent determination to confirm the impulse-momentum theorem than to assume it
`q002. Give your data for the experiment in which you attempted to release the pendulum the point that would maximize its horizontal range. Include all data that would be necessary to replicate your trials.
Attempt to organize your data in such a way that it is easy to read at a glance.
Include a description how you conducted the experiment.
For this experiment a 15 cm pendulum was pulled back 8 cm from a height of 90 cm. A meter stick was laid on the table top at 90 cm to ensure that the pullback was consistent. A meter stick was laid on the ground from the leg of the table outward to measure distance traveled in the horizontal direction. The pendulum was pulled back the same 8 cm but released at different points of its cycle.
Early release (before equilibrium) landed the pendulum at 18 cm, 22 cm, 19 cm
Middle release (around equilibrium or shortly after) landed the pendulum at 38 cm, 40 cm, 44 cm
Late release (after equilibrium but before pendulum reversed directions) landed the pendulum at 33 cm, 30 cm
We noticed that the pendulum seemed to travel the farthest when it was released at about the 75% point of its cycle. Further than that the pendulum had slowed in its cycle and didn’t seem to travel as far. Before that the pendulum didn’t seem to have as much momentum in the horizontal direction.
The description was good, but I had to read too many words to find the information and can't readily spot that information later when I might want to confirm your analysis.
It would be easy to correct that by adding a concise synopsis:
length 15 cm
pullback 8 cm
equilibrium to floor 90 cm
landing positions (cm from equilibrium line):
early release: 18, 22, 19
middle release: 38, 40, 44
late release: 33, 30
Estimates of the angle with vertical at each release point would also be good.
`q003. How much force would it take to accelerate an Atwood machine consisting of two 50 kg masses at 9.8 m/s^2?
• What is the total weight of these two masses?
• If the addition of a single dollar coin to one side of the system results in an acceleration of 5 cm/s^2, then what is the mass of the coin? What is the weight of the coin?
• How many coins would it therefore take to match the mass of the system?
• (Assume that the friction in the pulley is negligible).
Assuming that friction is not a force involved in this system, and the positive direction is clockwise
Fnet=+50kg(9.8 m/s^2)-50 kg(9.8 m/s^2)=0
M1+m2=50 kg +50 kg=100 kg
100 kg(9.8 m/sec^2)=980 kgm/s^2=980 N
980 N=m*.05 m/s^2
M=19600 kg
19600 kg-100 kg=19500 kg
I feel like I’ve gone wrong here. How should I calculate this correctly?
To find F_net multiply the mass by 5 cm/s^2; the coin won't appreciably affect the mass of the system.
`q004. Three rubber bands are attached to a small ring at the origin of an x-y coordinate system. The opposite ends of the rubber bands are respectively at the points (8 cm, 6 cm), (-10 cm, 0) and (0, -12 cm).
• For each rubber band, determine the angle of the displacement vector from the origin to its other end.
Rubberband a= (8 cm, 6 cm)
B=(-10 cm, 0)
C=(0, -12 cm)
ThetaA=arctan(6 cm/8cm)=36.7 degrees
ThetaB=arctan(0/-10)=arctan(0)=0 but analyzing the graph leads me to find the angle to be 180 degrees
ThetaC=arctan (-12/0)=arctan(0)=0 but the graph shows this angle to be 270 degrees
Using a graph of force vs. length for each rubber band, we find that they exert forces of 5.0 N, 3.8 N and 3.2 N, respectively.
• Find the x and y components of each each force.
• Use your results to find the x and y components of the net force, and
• find the magnitude and direction of the net force.
XcompA=5N*cos(36.7)= 4 N
Y compA=5N*sin(36.7)= 3 N
X compB=3.8 N*cos(180)=- 3.8 N
Y compB=3.8 N*sin(180)=0
XcompC=3.2 N*cos(270)=0
YcompC=3.2N*sin(270)=-3.2 N
Overall forces:
X direction: -3.8 N+4 N=.2 N
Y direction: -3.2 N+3 N=-.2 N
The net force is in the positive X and negative Y directions with a magnitude of .2 N and -.2 N respectively.
`q005. A ball starts rolling along the x axis at point x = x0, with velocity v0. Its acceleration is a. This continues through time interval `dt.
• By how much does the velocity of the ball change?
• What is the ball's displacement during the interval?
• What therefore is its final position along the x axis?
`dv=vf-v0 so we only need to find vf
Displacement is `ds
Xf is therefore x0+`ds
`ds isn't given; it needs to be expressed in terms of the given quantities x0, v0, a, `dt, as appropriate to the situation.
Your label for this assignment:
Copy and paste this label into the form.
Report your results from today's class using the Submit Work Form. Answer the questions posed above.
Note that you should be preparing to take Test 1 sometime next week.
You have been assigned the first six problems, and should now learn the rest of the problems in Set 5 of the Introductory Problem Set. A link that should work is at .
You should also read Chapter 6 in your text, which can serve you in the future as a good organized reference. By Monday you should have read Chapters 2, 4 and 6. You should make note of some of the differences in notation (e.g., my use of `dW_NC_ON where the book uses just W_NC).
Work through and submit q_A_18, q_A_19 and q_A_20
URL's of qa's 10-20:
Very good. See my notes.
Check your solutions and your reasoning against the solutions and reasoning given in the appended document, and please submit any specific questions you might still have.
class 091028
Class 091028
Could you tell me how to solve for the 'dPE, and could you give it to me in
equation form if possible, or just tell me which qa gives the info.
The answer to your question
depends on the situation. I'm giving you a general answer here; after working
to understand this, if you have additional questions for a specific situation,
I'll be glad to help you see how to apply these ideas. Just be sure to include
a copy of this document, as well as the specific situation you want to address
and your best thinking about that situation.
Any time you think about
potential energy, you should immediately remind yourself of the definition of
potential energy:
`dPE for a system is equal and opposite to the work done
by the conservative force on the system for the interval in question.
definition involves work, so you should also remind yourself of the definition
of work:
Work is the product of force and displacement in the
direction of the force.
The definition of work
involves force and displacement.
So if you know the
conservative forces and the initial and final position of the system, you can
find `dPE:
Identify the displacement `ds for the interval and
multiply it by the conservative force.
Be careful about the directions of the force and the
displacement. The displacement you use is either in the same direction as
the force (in which case the force and displacement have the same sign and
the work is positive), or opposite the direction of the force (in which case
the force and displacement have opposite signs and the work is negative).`
You can also determine `dPE
if you know the work done by nonconservative forces and the change in KE:
The work-energy theorem tells us that `dW_NC_ON = `dPE +
It follows immediately that `dPE = `dW_NC_ON - `dKE.
`q001. ** One-step-at-a-time questions:
- If the velocity of a 5-kg object changes from +3 m/s
to -2 m/s, what is the change in its velocity, and what is the change in its
Initial velocity is +3 m/s, final velocity is -2 m/s.
Change in velocity is
- `dv = vf - v0 = -2 cm/s - 3 m/s
= -5 m/s.
Initial momentum is 5 kg * 3 m/s = 15 m/s; final
momentum is 5 kg * (-2 m/s) = -10 m/s.
Change in momentum is
- `dp = p_f - p_0 = -10 kg m/s -
15 kg m/s = -25 kg m/s.
- A 12-kg object experiences a velocity change of +2 m/s
during a time interval of .01 second. What average force was exerted on it
during that interval?
The impulse-momentum theorem applies to a force
exerted for a given time interval:
F_net `dt = `d(m v); when m is constant this can
be written
F_net `dt = m `dv.
- F_net = m `dv / `dt = 12 kg * 2 m/s / (.01 s) = 2400
kg m/s^2 = 2400 N.
- What is the resultant of two displacement vectors, the
first having magnitude 8 meters directed at angle 53 degrees, the second
with x component -3 meters and y component -4 meters?
The magnitude of the first displacement vector is 8
meters, the angle is 53 deg, so its components are
- x comp of 1st vector = 8 m * cos(53 deg) = 8 m * .6 =
4.8 m
- y comp of 1st vector = 8 m * sin(53 deg) = 8 m * .8 =
6.4 m
To find the resultant vector R we add the two vectors.
To do this we add their components, obtaining
- R_x = 4.8 m + (-3 m) = 1.8 m and
- R_y = 6.4 m + (-4 m) = 2.4 m.
The magnitude of the resultant vector is found using
the Pythagorean Theorem:
- magnitude = sqrt( (R_x)^2 + (R_y)^2 ) = sqrt( (1.8
m)^2 + (2.4 m)^2 ) = sqrt ( 3.24 m^2 + 5.76 m^2) = sqrt(9 m^2) = 3 m.
The angle of the resultant is
- theta = arcTan(R_y / R_x) = arcTan ( 2.4 m / (1.8 m) )
= arcTan(1.33) = 53 deg.
- Two objects collide, one of mass 5 kg and the other of
mass 12 kg. The momentum of the 5 kg object changes by -40 kg m/s. What is
the momentum change of the 12 kg object, and what is the change in its
The forces exerted on the particles by one another are
equal and opposite, and the act for the same time interval. So the
values of the impulse F `dt will be equal and opposite.
Since F `dt = `d(m v), the changes in momentum will be
equal and opposite.
The momentum change of the first object is -40 kg m/s,
so the momentum change of the second is +40 kg m/s.
The mass of the second object is 12 kg. If `dv
is the change in its velocity we have
- m `dv = `dp so that
- `dv = `dp / m = +40 kg m/s / (12 kg) = 3.33 m/s.
- What is the direction of a displacement vector whose x
and y components are +5 m and - 4 m? What are the components of a force
vector of magnitude 80 N in the same direction?
The direction of the vector is
- theta = arcTan(-4 m / (5 m) ) = arcTan(-.8) = -39 deg,
Measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis,
this is 360 deg - 39 deg = 341 deg.
A force vector of magnitude 80 N in the same direction
has the same angle, so the components of this force vector are
- F_x = 80 N cos(341 deg) = 80 N * .78 = 62 N, approx.
- F_y = 80 N sin(341 deg) = 80 N * .62 = 50 N, approx..
- A rubber band chain exerts force 4 N when its length
is 50 cm, and 12 N when its length is 80 cm. As the chain is extended from
the first length to the second, what average force is exerted by the rubber
band (assuming that the force vs. length is linear)? How much work is done
by the chain during this interval?
The average force, assuming linearity of F vs. length,
- F_ave = (4 N + 12 N ) = 8 N.
As the chain is extended, the ends of the rubber band
must be moved in the direction opposite the tension force, so the work done
by the chain is negative. The force is exerted through a displacement
of 80 cm - 50 cm = 30 cm, and the displacement is along the line of the
Thus the work done by the rubber band is
- `dW_by = - (8 N * 30 cm) = -240 N * cm = -240 N * (.01
m) = -2.4 N * m = -2.4 Joules.
- A 200 kg mass is subjected to a net force of 1000
Newtons for half a second. What is its acceleration? What therefore is its
change in velocity? What therefore is the change in its momentum? What is
the impulse of the force on this interval?
The acceleration is
- a = F_net / m = 1000 N / (200 kg) = 5 m/s^2.
The change in velocity is
- `dv = a `dt = 5 m/s^2 * .5 s = 2.5 m/s.
The change in momentum is
- `dp = m `dv = 200 kg * 2.5 m/s = 500 kg m/s.
The impulse of the force is
- F_net `dt = 1000 N * .5 s = 500 N * s = 500 kg m
/ s^2 * s = 500 kg m/s.
The impulse is seen to be equal to the change in the
`q002. Give your data for the
experiment in which you attempted to release the pendulum the point that would
maximize its horizontal range. Include all data that would be necessary to
replicate your trials.
Attempt to organize your data in such a
way that it is easy to read at a glance.
Include a description how you conducted
the experiment.
You should have received individual feedback on your
data submission.
`q003. How much force would it take to accelerate an
Atwood machine consisting of two 50 kg masses at 9.8 m/s^2?
- What is the total weight of these two masses?
- If the addition of a single dollar coin to one side of
the system results in an acceleration of 5 cm/s^2, then what is the mass of
the coin? What is the weight of the coin?
- How many coins would it therefore take to match the
mass of the system?
- (Assume that the friction in the pulley is
The system has a total mass of 100 kg, so this would
require a force of
- F_net = 100 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 = 980 N.
The total weight of the system is therefore 980 N.
When in balance, the system experiences net force zero
in its direction of motion.
When the coin is added, the net force on the system is
- F_net_coin = 100 kg * .05 m/s^2 = 5 N.
This force comes from the gravitational force on the
coin, so we have
The mass of the coin is its weight divided by the
acceleration of gravity:
- m = wt / g = 5 N / (9.8 m/s^2) = .5 kg, approx..
That's a pretty massive dollar coin.
It's worth noting that this is .5% the mass of the
system, and that the 5 m/s^2 acceleration is .5% the acceleration of
gravity. This connection is worth thinking about.
`q004. Three rubber bands are attached to a small ring at the origin of an
x-y coordinate system. The opposite ends of the rubber bands are respectively
at the points (8 cm, 6 cm), (-10 cm, 0) and (0, -12 cm).
For each rubber band, determine the angle of the displacement
vector from the origin to its other end.
The lengths of the three rubber bands are respectively
L_1 = sqrt( (8 cm)^2 + (6 cm)^2 ) = 10 cm
L_2 = sqrt( (-10 cm)^2 + (0 cm)^2 ) = 10 cm and
L_3 = sqrt( (0 cm)^s + (-12 cm)^2) = 12 cm.
The lengths could be used with force vs. length graphs
for the three rubber bands, to find the force exerted by each. This
won't be necessary here, since the forces are simply given. However,
as we say in class, this is what we would ordinarily do.
The three angles are
theta_1 = arcTan(6 cm / (8 cm) ) = arcTan(.75) =
37 degrees.
theta_2 = 180 deg (this vector is clearly directed
along the negative x axis) and
theta_3 = 270 deg (this vector being clearly
directed along the negative y axis).
Using a graph of force vs. length for each rubber band, we find that they
exert forces of 5.0 N, 3.8 N and 3.2 N, respectively.
Find the x and y components of each each force.
The components are
F1_x =
L1 cos(theta_1) = 5.0 N cos(37 deg) = 4.0 N
F1_y =
L1 sin(theta) = 5.0 N sin(37 deg) = 3.0 N.
F2_x =
3.8 N cos(180 deg) = -3.8 N
F2_y =
3.8 N sin(180
deg) = 0 N
F3_x = 3.2 N cos(270 deg) = 0 N
F3_y = 3.2 N sin(270 deg) = -3.2 N.
Use your results to find the x and y components of the net force,
The components of the net force are found by adding the
appropriate components of the individual forces:
= 4.0 N + (-3.8 N) + 0 N = 0.2 N
= -3.0 N + 0 N + (-3.2 N) = -0.2 N.
find the magnitude and direction of the net force.
The magnitude of the net force is
F_net =
sqrt( (F_net_x)^2 + F_net_y)^2 ) = sqrt( (0.2 N)^2 + (-0.2 N)^2 ) = sqrt(.08
N^2) = 0.28 N, approx.
and its angle is
theta =
arcTan(-0.2 N / (0.2 N)) = arcTan(-1) = -45 deg, which when measured
counterclockwise from the positive x axis is
theta =
360 deg - 45 deg = 315 deg.
`q005. A ball starts rolling along the x axis at point x =
x0, with velocity v0. Its acceleration is a. This continues through time
interval `dt.
- By how much does the velocity of the ball change?
- What is the ball's displacement during the interval?
- What therefore is its final position along the x axis?
During the time interval the ball's velocity changes
ending up with velocity
- vf = v0 + `dv = v0 + a `dt.
Its average velocity, assuming linear v vs. t (i.e.,
constant acceleration) is
- vAve = (vf + v0) / 2 = (v0 + a `dt + v0) / 2 = (2
v0 + a `dt) / 2 = v0 + 1/2 a `dt.
Its displacement is therefore
- `ds = vAve `dt = (v0 + 1/2 a `dt) * `dt = v0 `dt
+ 1/2 a `dt^2.
Its final position along the x axis is therefore
- x_f = x_0 + `ds = x_0 + v0 `dt + 1/2 a `dt^2.
Our solutions are therefore
vf = v0 + a `dt
`ds = v0 `dt + 1/2 a `dt^2 and
x_f = x0 + v0 `dt + 1/2 a `dt^2.
You should recognize these expressions as being
similar to expressions given in your text. If we assume that x0 and v0
are position and velocity at clock time t_0 = 0, then the time interval up
to t = t_f is just `dt = t_f - t_0 = t_f = 0 = t_f. Our equations
would then become
vf = v0 + a * t_f
`ds = v0 * t_f^2 + 1/2 a * t_f^2 and
x_f = x0 + v0 * t_f + 1/2 a t_f^2.
If we agree that vf, x_f and t_f can just be
represented by v, x and t, our equations are
v = v0 + a t
`ds = v0 t + 1/2 a t^2 and
x = x0 + v0 t + 1/2 a t^2.
These equations specify the velocity v and position x
at clock time t.
v and x can now be understood as functions of t.
The authors of your text present the four equations of
uniformly accelerated motion as
v = v0 + a t
x = x0 + v0 t + 1/2 a t^2
(these two are identical to those given above)
vAve = (v + v0) / 2 (the familiar statement that
avererage velocity is the average of initial and final velocity,
assuming acceleration to be constant) and
v^2 = v0^2 + 2 a ( x - x0 ).
The last is identical to our equation vf^2 = v0^2 + 2
a `ds, except that `ds is expressed as x - x0.
The author's equations have the advantage that v and x
are now expressed as functions of t.
They have the disadvantage of having six symbols (v0,
v, x0, x, a, t) rather than our five (`ds, v0, vf, a, `dt), and we can no
longer say that 'given three of the five quantities, we can find the other