Phy 201
Your 'timer program' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Your General Comment **
** Describe what you see on your first 10 clicks **
There are 3 columns of numbers. The first column is the number of the time I hit the Click to Time Event button. The second column consists of numbers that start at 26.28906 and continue to 29.96094. The third column consists of numbers that start at 26.28906 and then become decimals to .390625.
** Your TIMER data from 20 fast clicks **
1 2.074219 2.074219
2 2.210938 .1367188
3 2.351563 .140625
4 2.5 .1484375
5 2.648438 .1484375
6 2.796875 .1484375
7 2.957031 .1601563
8 3.097656 .140625
9 3.238281 .140625
10 3.386719 .1484375
11 3.535156 .1484375
12 3.6875 .1523438
13 3.835938 .1484375
14 3.976563 .140625
15 4.132813 .15625
16 4.285156 .1523438
17 4.445313 .1601563
18 4.59375 .1484375
19 4.742188 .1484375
20 4.902344 .1601563
21 5.042969 .140625
22 5.191406 .1484375
23 5.34375 .1523438
24 5.492188 .1484375
25 5.648438 .15625
26 5.800781 .1523438
27 5.949219 .1484375
28 6.089844 .140625
29 6.238281 .1484375
30 6.386719 .1484375
31 6.539063 .1523438
** Your average time interval for 20 time intervals **
I simply added up the first 20 intervals and then divided that number by 20.
none of your quick-click intervals are as great as .24 second; looks like you included that 2-second interval at the beginning, which isn't a quick-click interval
** Your frequency distribution for the 20 time intervals (interval, number of times it was observed) **
.1367188, 1
.140625, 4
.148375, 8
.1523438, 2
.15625, 1
.1601563, 3
If you were to average the 19 intervals you tallied above, you would get something around .15 seconds, not .24 seconds.
** Your general comment to this point **
Is there a way to start the timer over at 0 seconds, without having to close the timer and re-open it?
** Why did you observe only certain time intervals? **
The timer program cannot get pin-point accurate time intervals when the button is being clicked so many times that fast. It doesnt mean that the timer program is flawed or useless, it just means that it is to be used to data that is more spread out over time.
** What did you see when you looked at the differences between time successive time intervals? **
I only see 3 different numbers in the last column, both negative and positive numbers though. I really don't know if I understand though what this tells me about the program.
** Your time intervals for 7 complete breaths: **
** Your general comment to this point: **
** Why did you rarely, if ever, observe that same time interval twice? **
We expect this because the timer has more time to process each click before moving on to the next one. Spaced out events do better with this timer.
** Do you think this program is accurate to .1 or .01 ... **
I believe B is the most acurate the timer can get. This is because I experimented again on the timer, this time not waiting a full second between each click, but also not clicking as fast as I possibly could. My results were almost never the same past the hundredths place.
** Copy of a few lines of your spreadsheet from the TIMER program. **
Practice TIMER Data
event number clock time time interval
1 1190.723 1190.723
2 1199.293 8.570313
3 1211.613 12.32031
4 1223.074 11.46094
5 1233.672 10.59766
6 1244.871 11.19922
7 1257.254 12.38281
8 1270.664 13.41016
** **
around 30 minuntes
** **
Your work looks good. See my notes. Let me know if you have any questions.