course PHY 232
1/24 4:17 pm
Brief Bottle Experiment 1cSiphoning water into empty sealed bottle
Starting with the cap in place on an empty bottle, siphon water from an adjacent full bottle. Allow the siphon to run a few minutes until the water levels in the two bottles stabilize.
Estimate the percent change in the volume of the air in the capped bottle.
Roughly about -5-7%
Estimate the percent change in the number of molecules in the air within the capped bottle.
0% since it is capped and no new air came in through the tube.
Estimate the percent change in the volume of the water in the open bottle.
Maybe 10-11%, definitely not more than that anyway.
What do you think is the percent change in the air pressure in the capped bottle?
Again since the volume and pressure are inversely proportional it'd still be something like 5-7%.
What is the difference in the two fluid levels?
About 12.5 cm
What is the percent change in the number of air molecules in the capped bottle?
I'd have to say 0% since no new air seems to be present in the capped bottle.
Raise the open bottle as high as possible without disturbing the capped bottle. Allow time for the water levels in the two bottles to stabilize.
What percent of the volume of the capped bottle do you now estimate is occupied by water?
Estimate the percent change in the number of molecules in the air within the capped bottle.
Again, I don't think this changes since no new air is coming in.
By what percent do you estimate the pressure in the capped bottle exceeds the original pressure (i.e., the pressure when the bottle was first capped)?
Well, with the increase in volume being about 5-6% then I'd say that 5-6%
What percent of the uncapped bottle do you estimate is now occupied by air?
12-13%, both bottles hold very nearly the same amount (1 L)
What is the difference in the two water levels?
At the raised height the open bottle was at 52 cm and the capped was at 3.5 cm from the table.
Return the uncapped bottle to the tabletop. What happens?
What is now the difference in the two water levels?
The gained water in the capped bottle returns the the open one. The open one is at 15 cm and the capped one is at 2.5 cm, again.
What do you think is the pressure in the uncapped bottle as a percent of its original pressure (before the bottle was capped)?
Not sure about this. The question seems to ask about the open bottle but the parenthesis seems to refer to the capped one. Maybe it's ""What's the difference btw the open and capped bottle's air pressure?"" At the tabletop and static, i.e. no flow, then I would say they are the same and they 'equalize' when moved to different levels.
The question should have read
'What do you think is the pressure in the uncapped bottle as a percent of its original pressure (before the bottle was capped)?'*@
@& This looks good. More about this situation later.*@