Bottle Exp 1D


course PHY 232

1/24 4:18 pm

Brief Bottle Experiment 1dRaising water

Add the extension to the tube, so that by squeezing you can force water from the bottle into the tube.  Squeeze hard enough to raise the water to as high as possible into the tube.  Evaluate how hard you had to squeeze, on the 1-10 scale you used in part 1b.  Measure how far you were able to raise water in the tube above the level of the water in the bottle.

How high did you raise the water, and how hard did you have to squeeze (using the 1-10 scale)?


I'm not sure what the 'extension' refers to. I only have the tubed cap and the 'stopper' that caps the tube. I squeezed the water all the way to the top and had to stop to keep from spilling it. It took about a 7/10 squeeze to do that.


Give the bottle a squeeze corresponding to 1 on the 1-10 scale, and observe how high water rises.  Then give it another squeeze, halfway between 1 and the squeeze you used to raise water to the top of the tube.  Do this blind.  Don't look at the tube, just feel the squeeze.  Then look at the tube and see where the water is.

Report a table of water column height vs. squeeze.


Not sure about a table since there's only 2

1: +7cm

4: +30 cm

8: +56 cm


@& That's a table.*@

@& Very good.


Copy the question below and your answers, and please submit using title 'Bottle Experiment 1d Followup'.

Based on your results for water column height vs. squeeze, and your previous results for percent change in air column length, report the expected percent change in air column length, and the expected height to which you would raise water (given a long enough tube), for squeezes of 1, 3, 6 and 9.

Just complete the lines below by adding the percent change, and the expected water column height, to each line:


squeeze 1:

squeeze 3:

squeeze 6:

squeeze 9:
