test taken

Your 'test taken' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Which test? **

I believe you've already graded Test 1 taken at the SVCC lab in Lebanon and the Major Quiz that was taken on campus in the learning lab.

I took test 2 and the final exam at the Lebanon center tonight.

** When, where etc? **

I believe they already faxed the tests tonight.

** Optional additional comments and/or questions: **

I know it is alot to ask with so many students, but if possible I need the grade for this course processed ASAP. I'm supposed to start the class this is a prereq for on Thursday night. If you're able to grade the tests and turn in the grade tomorrow, I may be able to work with Admissions on Thursday to get an official transcript. Thanks.

Email me tomorrow to be sure I have the tests. If I get them, and if you email me, I should be able to post it tomorrow.