#$&* course Phy 242 class overview for 4/2 9:00 This is for Phy 242 Class on 4/2/12In class we hooked up a battery in sequence to 50cm of NiCh, then to our Am meter. We experemented with different lengths of NiCh and without it completly to find differences in our am meter. We learned that the more NiCh added, the more resistance this had in our system, which was reflected by our Am meter, in that it would not ""deflect"" as much from equilibrium. Next we added a wire coil around a large bolt to create an electro-magnet. We placed a small compass close around the bolt to see how it made the arrow point towards it. It only pointed towards either end of the bolt, depending on which direction the current was flowing, this was decided by the ""right hand rule"". by knowing which way the ""positive wire"" was leading into the coiled wire, we wrapped our fingers in the direction it was flowing to see which way the magnetic field was. Also, we learned that if you flip the leads, it changed the direction of current flow, which in turn, flipped the direction of the