seed 21

course phy 201

A ball starts with velocity 4 cm/sec and ends with a velocity of 10 cm/sec. vvvv

• What is your best guess about the ball's average velocity?

answer/question/discussion: 7 cm/sec

• Without further information, why is this just a guess?

answer/question/discussion: the ball might have achieved maximum velocity before it reached the end of the ramp, by doing this it would change the average velocity.

• If it takes 3 seconds to get from the first velocity to the second, then what is your best guess about how far it traveled during that time?

answer/question/discussion: 18 cm

• At what average rate did its velocity change with respect to clock time during this interval?

answer/question/discussion: 2m/s^2


Please resubmit this using the form for the specific 'seed' question.

Note that 18 cm isn't a correct answer, and in any case you need to explain how you got your answer.