Video Clips 13-15

course Phy 121

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Physics clip 13 repeat for all trapezoids under curve / all short time intervals from t0 to tf If we know the initial and final velocities over some time interval, and if the rate which velocity changes is constant, then how do we calculate the displacements over a series of time subintervals? Answer: The displacement would be the area of the trapezoid under the graph. OR the average velocity * 'dt Physics video clip 14 emphasize adding displacements, mention accumulated area Having calculated displacements over all specified subintervals, how do we obtain the total distance moved from the initial clock time up through the end of each subinterval? Answer: One of two ways....we can add the cumulative of all of the segements to get a total distance or we can take the average velocity * 'dt over the entire segment. How do we construct a position vs. time graph from a velocity vs. time graph? Answer: We can use the velocity vs. time graph to obtain the 'ds values for each segment. Once we have this data we can regraph the data using the distance and time. Physics video clip 15 show generally what we get from a trapezoid, emphasize how trapezoid tells us when to add and How do we symbolically and graphically represent the calculation of the displacement corresponding to a given initial and final velocity over a given time interval? Answer: The intial and final velocities are graphically represented and calculated at the ""average height of the trapezoid"" How do we know when to subtract and when to add the initial in final velocities in calculating average rates of velocity change and displacements from initial and final velocities and time interval? Answer: The intial and final velocities are not added or subtracted in calculating the 'ds....This is a commom mistake as the intial and final velocities are ""averaged"" together to calculate the area under the graph."