Assignment 17 Query

course Phy 121

You did well on these questions, but see my note on the text question and be sure you understand how the mass cancels out.

[箬浇玾屻勰y夲柒煽撶 Physics I 12-04-2005







17:29:27 Experiment #16





17:29:34 read problem and work out solutions, refer to given solution for hints when needed.





17:33:10 How does the situation of the experiment test whether the loss m g h of potential energy is equal to the gain in kinetic energy?


RESPONSE --> It all flows through the equations that PE = -KE where the PE is transfered as -KE and vise versa when the -KE is released



17:33:22 ** Change in gravitational PE of a mass m is the work done against gravity, which is negative of work done by gravity. Work by gravity is product of force exerted by gravity and displacement in the direction of that force. Force exerted by gravity is F = m g. If an object moves h units upward, displacement is exactly opposite in direction to force so work by gravity is m g * (-h) = - m g h. Thus the work done against gravity, being equal and opposite to work done by gravity, is m g h, where h is displacement in the upward direction. If h is positive then mgh is positive and we say PE increases; if the object displaces in the downward direction h will be negative and m g h will be negative. The object rolling down the incline attains a KE which is slightly less than the loss of PE. The difference is due to energy dissipated mostly by friction. **





17:35:30 In the actual experiment the you expect that the potential energy lost will be greater or less than the actual kinetic energy gain?


RESPONSE --> I figuered it would be a somewhat equal transfer of actual KE energy gain from PE with a small amount lost due to friction...



17:35:38 ** Since there is friction some of the lost potential energy will go into the work done against friction, with the remainder going into KE. So the KE gain will be less than the PE loss. **





17:46:06 gen phy problem A high jumper needs to be moving fast enough at the jump to lift her center of mass 2.1 m and cross the bar at a speed of .7 m/s. What minimum velocity does she require?


RESPONSE --> I am struggling with this seems that I need to have the mass of the jumper to calculate....I know that there is a solution otherwise...but right now I am a little lost..




Formally we have `dPE + `dKE = 0.

`dPE = M * g * `dy = M * 20.6 m^2 / sec^2, where M is the mass of the jumper and `dy is the 2.1 m change in altitude.

`dKE = .5 M vf^2 - .5 M v0^2, where vf is the .7 m/s final velocity and v0 is the unknown initial velocity.

So we have

M g `dy + .5 M vf^2 - .5 M v0^2 = 0.

Dividing through by M we have

g `dy + .5 vf^2 - .5 v0^2 = 0.

Solving for v0 we obtain

v0 = sqrt( 2 g `dy + vf^2) = sqrt( 2* 9.8 m/s^2 * 2.1 m + (.7 m/s)^2 ) = sqrt( 41.2 m^2/s^2 + .49 m^2 / s^2) = sqrt( 41.7 m^2 / s^2) = 6.5 m/s, approx..


The high jumper must have enough KE at the beginning to increase his PE through the 2.1 m height and to still have the KE of his .7 m/s speed.

The PE change is M * g * 2.1 m = M * 20.6 m^2 / sec^2, where M is the mass of the jumper

The KE at the top is .5 M v^2 = .5 M (.7 m/s)^2 = M * .245 m^2 / s^2, where M is the mass of the jumper.

Since the 20.6 M m^2 / s^2 increase in PE must come at the expense of the initial KE, and since after the PE increase there is still M * .245 m^2 / s^2 in KE, the initial KE must have been 20.6 M m^2 / s^2 + .245 M m^s / s^2 =20.8 M m^s / s^2, approx.

If initial KE is 20.8 M m^s / s^2, then .5 M v0^2 = 20.8 M m^s / s^2.

We divide both sices of this equation by the jumper's mass M to get

.5 v0^2 = 20.8 m^2 / s^2, so that

v0^2 = 41.6 m^2 / s^2 and

v0 = `sqrt(41.6 m^2 / s^2) = 6.5 m/s, appprox.


RESPONSE --> I went back and worked a few more problems and reworked the Problem Sets again....I think I understand this a little bit more.. I did need the mass of the person...but I had all the equtions that i needed to figure this one out by using 'dPE = m * g * h

You don't need the mass of the person, since mass will be a factor of every term. You can just use M for mass, as in the given solution, and then divide whatever equations you get by M and it will just go away.



17:58:21 query Univ. 7.42 (7.38 in 10th edition). 2 kg block, 400 N/m spring, .220 m compression. Along surface then up 37 deg incline all frictionless. How fast on level, how far up incline?


RESPONSE --> Not Required



17:58:27 ** The spring exerts a force of 400 N / m * .220 m = 84 N at the .220 m compression. The average force exerted by the spring between equilibrium and this point is therefore (0 N + 84 N) / 2 = 42 N, so the work done in the compression is `dW = Fave * `ds = 42 N * .220 m = 5.0 Joules, approx. If all this energy is transferred to the block, starting from rest, the block's KE will therefore be 5.0 Joules. Solving KE = .5 m v^2 for v we obtain v = sqrt(2 KE / m) = sqrt(2 * 5.0 Joules / (2 kg) ) = 2.2 m/s, approx.. No energy is lost to friction so the block will maintain this speed along the level surface. As it begins to climb the incline it will gain gravitational PE at the expense of KE until the PE is 5.0 J and the KE is zero, at which point it will begin to slide back down the incline. After traveling through displacement `ds along the incline the height of the mass will be `ds sin(37 deg) = .6 `ds, approx., and its gravitational PE will be PE = m g h = m g * .6 `ds = .6 m g `ds. Setting this expression equal to KE we obtain the equation .6 m g `ds = KE, which we solve for `ds to obtain `ds = KE / (.6 m g) = 5.0 Joules / (.6 * 2 kg * 9.8 m/s^2) = .43 meters, approx. **





17:58:31 query univ phy 7.50 62 kg skier, from rest, 65 m high. Frict does -10.5 kJ. What is the skier's speed at the bottom of the slope? After moving horizontally over 82 m patch, air res 160 N, coeff frict .2, how fast is she going? Penetrating 2.5 m into the snowdrift, to a stop, what is the ave force exerted on her by the snowdrift?





17:58:34 ** The gravitational PE of the skier decreases by 60 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 65 m = 38 kJ, approx. (this means 38 kiloJoules, or 38,000 Joules). The PE loss partially dissipated against friction, with the rest converted to KE, resulting in KE = 38 kJ / 10.5 kJ = 27.5 kJ. Formally we have `dKE + `dPE + `dWnoncons = 0, where `dWnoncons is the work done by the skier against friction. Since friction does -10.5 kJ of work on the skier, the skier does 10.5 kJ of work against friction and we have `dKE = -`dPE - `dWnoncons = - (-38 kJ) - 10.5 kJ = 27.5 kJ. The speed of the skier at this point will be v = sqrt( 2 KE / m) = sqrt( 2 * 27,500 J / (65 kg) ) = 30 m/s, approx. Over the 82 m patch the force exerted against friction will be .2 * 60 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 = 118 N, approx., so the force exerted against nonconservative forces will be 118 N + 160 N = 280 N approx.. The work done will therefore be `dWnoncons = 280 N * 82 m = 23 kJ, approx., and the skier's KE will be KE = 27.5 kJ - 23 kJ = 4.5 kJ, approx. This implies a speed of v = sqrt( 2 KE / m) = 12 m/s, approx. To stop from this speed in 2.5 m requires that the remaining 4.5 kJ of KE be dissipated in the 2.5 m distance. Thus we have `dW = Fave * `ds, so that Fave = `dW / `ds = 4500 J / (2.5 m) = 1800 N. This is a significant force, about 3 times the weight of the skier, but distributed over a large area of her body will cause a good jolt, but will not be likely to cause injury.**



