query 5 

course phy202

I have completley confused myself on the equations for liquids and gas and cant figure out if they are interchangable or I have just been leaning the wrong equations for different variables. I mentioned a few throughout the excercise. For example

P= F/A = mg/A = rhoAgh/A = rhogh

but this is the equation for PE as well?

However in some notes PE = rho A gL then other times it = rhogh

is the first equation only used for fluids and the second for gas? "


I have completely confused myself on the equations for liquids and gas and cant figure out if they are interchangeable or I have just been leaning the wrong equations for different variables. I mentioned a few throughout the excercise. For example

P= F/A = mg/A = rhoAgh/A = rhogh

but this is the equation for PE as well?

However in some notes PE = rho A g L then other times it = rho g h

Is the first equation only used for fluids and the second for gas? "


P = F / A is the definition of pressure (force per unit of area)

In a fluid, the fluid pressure at depth h is rho g h.

This quantity can also be interpreted as the PE per unit volume of fluid at height h, and is what I call the 'PE term' of Bernoulli's Equation

Bernoulli's Equation that equation applies to a continuous moving fluid, and one version reads

1/2 rho v^2 + rho g h + P = constant..

The 1/2 rho v^2 term is called the 'KE term' of the equation, and represents the KE per unit of volume. This equation represents conservation of energy, in a way that is at least partially illustrated by the exercises below.

The equation you quote, PE = rho A g L, could apply to a specific situation with a fluid in a tube with cross-sectional area A and length L, but that would be a specific application of the definition of PE. This is not a generally applicable equation.

"005. `query 5


Question: query introset plug of water from cylinder given gauge pressure, c-s hole area, length of plug.

Explain how we can determine the velocity of exiting water, given the pressure difference between inside and outside, by considering a plug of known cross-sectional area and length?


Your Solution:

P, A, L

F= P*A on plug

W = F * ds = PA * L

W = KE = .5mv^2

.5mv^2 = PA*L = .5(rho AL)v^2 = PAL

V = sort P/.5rho

Confidence Rating: 3 because I looked ahead….its hard for your eyes not to drift when you get stuck on a problem and the answer is just below…sorry

no problem, and no need to apologize


Given Solution:

** The net force on the plug is P * A, where A is its cross-sectional area and P the pressure difference.

· If L is the length of the plug then the net force F_net = P * A acts thru distance L doing work `dW = F_net * L = P * A * L.

If the initial velocity of the plug is 0 and there are no dissipative forces, this is the kinetic energy attained by the plug.

The volume of the plug is A * L so its mass is rho * A * L.

· Thus we have mass rho * A * L with KE equal to P * A * L.

Setting .5 m v^2 = KE we have

.5 rho A L v^2 = P A L so that

v = sqrt( 2 P / rho).

Your Self-Critique: I knew we had to get to KE to find velocity but I did have a problem remembering to involve L in my equation until I broke the equation down for Work.

I need some clarity on one point that keeps confusing me…when dealing with fluid m = V * density = rho *A*L…because it takes up space and has height vs. gas that m = rho as in PE = rho*gy?

This isn't related to a gas.

density is mass per unit volume, so V * density is mass.

For a tube of cross-sectional area A and length L, the volume is A * L, so the mass is V * density * L. Density is represented by rho so

mass = V * rho = A * L * rho.

Weight is mass * accel of gravity so

weight = m g = A * L * rho * g.

The PE of this weight at height y is

PE = weight * y = A * L * rho * g * y.


Your Self-Critique Rating: 2


Question: prin phy problem 10.3. Mass of air in room 4.8 m x 3.8 m x 2.8 m.


Your Solution:

V= 4.8 * 3.8 * 2.8 = 51m^3

M = V * D

D 02 = 1.3kg/m^3

M = 51m^3 * 1.3kg/m^3 = 66kg

Confidence Rating:3


Given Solution:

The density of air at common atmospheric temperature and pressure it about 1.3 kg / m^3.

The volume of the room is 4.8 m * 3.8 m * 2.8 m = 51 m^3, approximately. The mass of the air in this room is therefore

· mass = density * volume = 1.3 kg / m^3 * 51 m^3 = 66 kg, approximately.

This is a medium-sized room, and the mass of the air in that room is close to the mass of an average-sized person.

Your Self-Critique:

Your Self-Critique Rating:


Question: prin phy problem 10.8. Difference in blood pressure between head and feet of 1.60 m tell person.


Your Solution:

P= F/A = ma/A

P = Rho*A *L * g / A

P = Rho * L * g

P = 1000kg/m^3 * 1.6m * 9.8m/s^2

P = 15600kg/m/s^2 = 15600 Pa

Confidence Rating: 3


Given Solution:

The density of blood is close to that of water, 1000 kg / m^3. So the pressure difference corresponding to a height difference of 1.6 m is

· pressure difference = rho g h = 1000 kg/m^3 * 9.80 m/s^2 * 1.60 m = 15600 kg / ( m s^2) = 15600 (kg m / s^2) / m^2 = 15600 N / m^2, or 15600 Pascals.

760 mm of mercury is 1 atmosphere, equal to 101.3 kPa, so 1 mm of mercury is 133 Pascals (101.3 kPa / (760 mm) = 133 Pa / mm), so

· 15,600 Pa = 15,600 Pa * ( 1 mm of Hg / 133 Pa) = 117 mm of mercury.

(alternatively 15 600 Pa * (760 mm of mercury / (101.3 kPa ) ) = 117 mm of mercury)

Blood pressures are measured in mm of mercury; e.g. a blood pressure of 120 / 70 stands for a systolic pressure of 120 mm of mercury and a diastolic pressure of 70 mm of mercury.

The density of blood is actually a bit higher than that of water; if you use a more accurate value for the density of blood you will therefore get a slightly great result.


I had to find that conversion online because I know that 1atm is 360mmHg but I could find a conversion for atms to

Pascals to make it work from what I knew, so I had to find the 133 online. ???


You should know that 1 atmosphere is about 100 kPa (more accurately 101.3 kPa but you don't need to know it that accurately), and that this is equivalent to 760 mm of mercury.

Using these two measures it's easy to convert from one to the other and there's no reason to look for or try to remember a conversion directly beteween mm of mercury and Pa.

Specifically the conversion factors are

101.3 kPa / (760 mm of mercury) = 133 Pa / (mm of mercury) and

(760 mm of mercury) / (101.3 kPa) = .0075 mm of mercury / Pa

If you use 100 kPa for the purposes of the problems and tests in this course, as I said before it's OK. If you're ever in a situation outside this class where you need the more accurate figure, it's easy to find.


Do you know if our text tells us this conversion??


The list of equivalent quantities is in Table 10-2 in the 6th edition. This specific conversion isn't given, but the number of Pa and the number of mm of mercury in an atmosphere both are.

Your Self-Critique: Again wanted to clear some confusion, P = F/A which converts to P = mgh which also = PE correct?

These are two different things.

P is pressure

PE = m g h is potential energy.

Your Self-Critique Rating: OK


Question: prin phy and gen phy 10.25 spherical balloon rad 7.35 m total mass 930 kg, Helium => what buoyant force


Your Solution:

Weight = m * g

W = 930kg * 9.8m/s^2 = 9100 N which is the force downward by the balloon.

V = 4/3pir^2 = 1660m^3

that’s as far as I can go for now

Confidence Rating: 1


Given Solution:

** The volume of the balloon is about 4/3 pi r^3 = 1660 cubic meters and mass of air displaced is about 1.3 kg / m^3 * 1660 m^3 = 2160 kg.

The buoyant force is equal in magnitude to the force of gravity on the displaced air, or about 2160 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 = 20500 Newtons, approx.. If the total mass of the balloon, including helium, is 930 kg then the weight is 930 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 = 9100 N approx., and the net force is about

· Net force = buoyant force - weight = 20,500 N - 9100 N = 11,400 N

If the 930 kg doesn't include the helium we have to account also for the force of gravity on its mass. At about .18 kg/m^3 the 1660 m^3 of helium will have mass about 300 kg on which gravity exerts an approximate force of 2900 N, so the net force on the balloon would be around 11,400 N - 2900 N = 8500 N approx.

The mass that can be supported by this force is m = F / g = 8500 N / (9.8 m/s^2) = 870 kg, approx.. **

Your Self-Critique:

Bf = Fg The buoyance force is pushing up on the ball who has a force downward due to gravity. The balloon contains helium and additional force that gravity plays a role on because it has mass.

Your Self-Critique Rating:2


Question: univ 14.51 (14.55 10th edition) U tube with Hg, 15 cm water added, pressure at interface, vert separation of top of water and top of Hg where exposed to atmosphere.

Give your solution to this problem.


Your Solution:

Confidence Rating:


Given Solution:

** At the interface the pressure is that of the atmosphere plus 15 cm of water, or 1 atm + 1000 kg/m^3 * 9.8 m/s^2 * .15 m = 1 atm + 1470 Pa.

The 15 cm of water above the water-mercury interface must be balanced by the mercury above this level on the other side. Since mercury is 13.6 times denser than water there must therefore be 15 cm / (13.6) = 1.1 cm of mercury above this level on the other side. This leaves the top of the water column at 15 cm - 1.1 cm = 13.9 cm above the mercury-air interface.

Here's an alternative solution using Bernoulli's equation, somewhat more rigorous and giving a broader context to the solution:

Comparing the interface between mercury and atmosphere with the interface between mercury and water we see that the pressure difference is 1470 Pa. Since velocity is zero we have P1 + rho g y1 = P2 + rho g y2, or

rho g (y1 - y2) = P2 - P1 = 1470 Pa.

Thus altitude difference between these two points is

y1 - y2 = 1470 Pa / (rho g) = 1470 Pa / (13600 kg/m^2 * 9.8 m/s^2) = .011 m approx. or about 1.1 cm.

The top of the mercury column exposed to air is thus 1.1 cm higher than the water-mercury interface. Since there are 15 cm of water above this interface the top of the water column is

15 cm - 1.1 cm = 13.9 cm

higher than the top of the mercury column.


Using Bernoullis Equation we come to:


1*10^3*9.8*.15 =13.6*10^3*9.8*y2

y2=.011 m



h=13.9cm. **


&#Good responses. See my notes and let me know if you have questions. &#

This was received on or about July 16. Responses were composed at that time but the work did not get posted. It is being posted on July 21.