
course Phy 201

Mr SmithI had a few questions concerning these classes. As i have been working through, im finding myself going to my book and reading and learning how to do the material. I was wondering if it is absolutely necessary to do all of the assignments to get a passing grade for this class. I know that i have to do the lab assignments but i have 23 credits this semester and am working hard to get into pharmacy school. I know that these classes are required and are important but not as important as if i was going into engineering or something. Please dont take this the wrong way. I know that all classes are important but to some people certain classes are more important than others. I knew that this would be hard to do before i signed up but the assignments take up alot of time and if i expect to get through both parts im going to have to cut down on the assignments and just make sure i learn the material. So all in all i was just wondering how important it is to do the assignments? I know that taking the tests and doing labs are most important so would i still be able to get a passing grade by not doing some assignments.

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Mr SmithI had a few questions concerning these classes. As i have been working through, im finding myself going to my book and reading and learning how to do the material. I was wondering if it is absolutely necessary to do all of the assignments to get a passing grade for this class. I know that i have to do the lab assignments but i have 23 credits this semester and am working hard to get into pharmacy school. I know that these classes are required and are important but not as important as if i was going into engineering or something. Please dont take this the wrong way. I know that all classes are important but to some people certain classes are more important than others. I knew that this would be hard to do before i signed up but the assignments take up alot of time and if i expect to get through both parts im going to have to cut down on the assignments and just make sure i learn the material. So all in all i was just wondering how important it is to do the assignments? I know that taking the tests and doing labs are most important so would i still be able to get a passing grade by not doing some assig

P.S. I hope i didn't offend you, because i know your classes are important." ""

No offense taken. I understand about priorities, and given your goals your priorities seem to be appropriate. A pharmacist or a physician should have a background in physics, but a high level of expertise isn't absolutely necessary; the chemistry and biology are central in those fields.

A passing average on labs is required; otherwise your grade will not be lower than that determined by a weighted average of your tests and labs.
