course Phy 201
Mr Smith, I was trying to work on my labs today and wasn't sure if I am doing the right ones. I know there are the ones in the assignments page, but then there is the link at the top of the page on experiments. Also i was looking over the labs in Phy 202 and quite a few of them are the same as in Phy 201 and i was just wondering if i have to do them as well.
Do the labs in the assignments. There are several pages related to experiments and I'm not sure which one you mean; if you need more info please be specific about what page you were on and what link, from where, got you to that page.
All the Physics I experiments, unless otherwise noted, use forms with input boxes and are accessed by links from within the assignments on the Assignments page.
Some Physics I labs are also assigned for Physics II (some students take my Physics II course without having taken Physics I and they need to do those labs to get used to procedures). However you don't need to repeat any labs you have already done in Physics I.