course Mth173 鉄牮偅醪夌婬苸禖钞尾assignment #006
11:45:07 `qNote that there are 7 questions in this assignment. `q001. If the water and a certain cylinder is changing depth at a rate of -4 cm/sec at the t = 20 second instant, at which instant the depth is 80 cm, then approximately what do you expect the depth will be at the t = 21 second instant?
RESPONSE --> change would be -4cm/sec * 10sec=-40cm take 80 and sub. 40 you get =40cm confidence assessment: 3
11:49:56 At a rate of -4 cm/s, for the 1-second interval between t = 20 s and t = 21 s the change in depth would be -4 cm/s * 1 sec = -4 cm. If the depth was 80 cm at t = 20 sec, the depth at t = 21 sec would be 80 cm - 4 cm/ = 76 cm.
RESPONSE --> ok self critique assessment: 2
12:00:06 `q002. Using the same information, what the you expect the depth will be depth at the t = 30 sec instant? Do you think this estimate is more or less accurate than the estimate you made for the t = 21 second instant?
RESPONSE --> -4 cm/sec*10 sec = -40 cm sub. that from 80 which is the value when (t) =20 you get 40cm. This is less accurate because it is a longer span of time giving the rate of change more time to increase or decrease. confidence assessment: 3
12:00:43 At - 4 cm/s, during the 10-second interval between t = 20 sec and t = 30 sec we would expect a depth change of -4 cm/sec * 10 sec = -40 cm, which would result in a t = 30 sec depth of 80 cm - 40 cm = 40 cm.
RESPONSE --> ok self critique assessment: 3
12:02:20 `q003. If you know that the depth in the preceding example is changing at the rate of -3 cm/s at the t = 30 sec instant, how will this change your estimate for the depth at t = 30 seconds--i.e., will your estimate be the same as before, will you estimate a greater change in depth or a lesser change in depth?
RESPONSE --> The depth will not change as much because the rate of change is less. confidence assessment: 3
12:02:29 Since the rate of depth change has changed from -4 cm / s at t = 20 s to -3 cm / s at t = 30 s, we conclude that the depth probably wouldn't change as much has before.
RESPONSE --> ok self critique assessment: 3
12:04:43 `q004. What is your specific estimate of the depth at t = 30 seconds?
RESPONSE --> The avg. would be -3.5. So therefore -3.5cm/s * 10sec=-35 80cm-35cm = 45cm confidence assessment: 3
12:04:48 Knowing that at t = 20 sec the rate is -4 cm/s, and at t = 30 sec the rate is -3 cm/s, we could reasonably conjecture that the approximate average rate of change between these to clock times must be about -3.5 cm/s. Over the 10-second interval between t = 20 s and t = 30 s, this would result in a depth change of -3.5 cm/s * 10 sec = -35 cm, and a t = 30 s depth of 80 cm - 35 cm = 45 cm.
RESPONSE --> ok self critique assessment: 3
12:08:05 `q005. If we have a uniform cylinder with a uniformly sized hole from which water is leaking, so that the quadratic model is very nearly a precise model of what actually happens, then the prediction that the depth will change and average rate of -3.5 cm/sec is accurate. This is because the rate at which the water depth changes will in this case be a linear function of clock time, and the average value of a linear function between two clock times must be equal to the average of its values at those to clock times. If y is the function that tells us the depth of the water as a function of clock time, then we let y ' stand for the function that tells us the rate at which depth changes as a function of clock time. If the rate at which depth changes is accurately modeled by the linear function y ' = .1 t - 6, with t in sec and y in cm/s, verify that the rates at t = 20 sec and t = 30 sec are indeed -4 cm/s and -3 cm/s.
RESPONSE --> y ' =.1 ( 20 sec) - 6 = -4 which is -4cm/s y' =.1 ( 30 sec) - 6 = -3 which is -3cm/s avg. is 3.5cm/s confidence assessment: 3
12:08:12 At t = 20 sec, we evaluate y ' to obtain y ' = .1 ( 20 sec) - 6 = 2 - 6 = -4, representing -4 cm/s. At t = 30 sec, we evaluate y' to obtain y' = .1 ( 30 sec) - 6 = 3 - 6 = -3, representing -3 cm/s.
RESPONSE --> ok self critique assessment: 3
12:09:54 `q006. For the rate function y ' = .1 t - 6, at what clock time does the rate of depth change first equal zero?
RESPONSE --> y ' =.1 t - 6 = 0, 6/.1=60 it is 0 when (t)=60 confidence assessment: 3
12:10:04 The rate of depth change is first equal to zero when y ' = .1 t - 6 = 0. This equation is easily solved to see that t = 60 sec.
RESPONSE --> ok self critique assessment: 3
12:14:16 `q007. How much depth change is there between t = 20 sec and the time at which depth stops changing?
RESPONSE --> there is a 40sec difference in time. the avg. of 0,-2 & -4 is -2 which when plugged in is 80cm. 80cm - 80cm=0 confidence assessment: 3
12:14:25 The rate of depth change at t = 20 sec is - 4 cm/s; at t = 60 sec the rate is 0 cm/s. The average rate at which depth changes during this 40-second interval is therefore the average of -4 cm/s and 0 cm/s, or -2 cm/s. At an average rate of -2 cm/s for 40 s, the depth change will be -80 cm. Starting at 80 cm when t = 20 sec, we see that the depth at t = 60 is therefore 80 cm - 80 cm = 0.
RESPONSE --> ok self critique assessment: 3