
course Phy 202

Prelim. ObservationsKEx and KEy values change rapidly

Ave time between collisons is about 1 second and ave speed of red ball is about 300

The blue ball is slower, requires more force to change movements, stops more easily, and I believe has a greater mass.

The red ball turns yellow when it strikes another ball and recieves positive energy from the collison that is the velocity is increasing or otherwise said it is accelerating.

I think the graphs represent the length of time the red and blue balls travel in one direction. I think it is a bar graph and each is bar is a time and distance."

Good speculation.

In fact one graph represents frequency distribution for velocities. Velocities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. are on the horizontal axis and the relative frequency of that velocity (think of the percent of the time that velocity occurs) on the vertical axis.

The other graph represents the frequency distribution for kinetic energies. The two frequency distributions have similar but slightly different shapes because kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the velocity.