course Phy 202 ?????\?????assignment #020
16:33:17 **** Query introductory set six, problems 11-14 **** given the length of a string how do we determine the wavelengths of the first few harmonics?
RESPONSE --> Taking the first 3 harmonics they must have 2, 3, and 4 nodes in the given length of string. So they have 1, 2, and 3 half wavelengths in the same distance.
16:36:38 ** As wavelength decreases you can fit more half-waves onto the string. You can fit one half-wave, or 2 half-waves, or 3, etc.. So you get 1 half-wavelength = string length, or wavelength = 2 * string length; using `lambda to stand for wavelength and L for string length this would be 1 * 1/2 `lambda = L so `lambda = 2 L. For 2 wavelengths fit into the string you get 2 * 1/2 `lambda = L so `lambda = L. For 3 wavelengths you get 3 * 1/2 `lambda = L so `lambda = 2/3 L; etc. } Your wavelengths are therefore 2L, L, 2/3 L, 1/2 L, etc.. FOR A STRING FREE AT ONE END: The wavelengths of the first few harmonics are found by the node - antinode distance between the ends. The first node corresponds to 1/4 wavelength. The second harmonic is from node to antinode to node to antinode, or 4/3. the third and fourth harmonics would therefore be 5/4 and 7/4 respectively. **
RESPONSE --> I should have included the equation: n * 1/2 `lambda = L So wavelengths are : 2L, L, 2/3L, 1/2L etc. getting smaller as the number of waves increase
16:41:37 **** Given the wavelengths of the first few harmonics and the velocity of a wave disturbance in the string, how do we determine the frequencies of the first few harmonics?
RESPONSE --> Divide the velocity of the wave disturbance by the each wavelength to find the frequency
16:42:00 ** The frequency is the number of crests passing per unit of time. We can imagine a 1-second chunk of the wave divided into segments each equal to the wavelength. The number of peaks is equal to the length of the entire chunk divided by the length of a 1-wavelength segment. This is the number of peaks passing per second. So frequency is equal to the wave velocity divided by the wavelength. **
16:45:04 **** Given the tension and mass density of a string how do we determine the velocity of the wave in the string?
RESPONSE --> the velocity is found by taking the squareroot of the quotient of the tension by the mass density of the string.
16:45:38 ** We divide tension by mass per unit length: v = sqrt ( tension / (mass/length) ). **
RESPONSE --> I should have put it symbolically as well. v = sqrt(tension/(mass/length))
16:48:30 **** gen phy explain in your own words the meaning of the principal of superposition
RESPONSE --> the principal of superposition is when the crest of two waves meet and the resulting displacement is the sum of their individual displacements.
16:48:49 ** the principle of superposition tells us that when two different waveforms meet, or are present in a medium, the displacements of the two waveforms are added at each point to create the waveform that will be seen. **
16:51:57 **** gen phy what does it mean to say that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence?
RESPONSE --> The angle of incidence is the angle that is made between the incident ray from the wave front and the reflecting surface. It is equal then to the angle of reflection because it is the corresponding angle of the reflected wave.
16:52:41 ** angle of incidence with a surface is the angle with the perpendicular to that surface; when a ray comes in at a given angle of incidence it reflects at an equal angle on the other side of that perpendicular **
RESPONSE --> ok. more simply stated the angle of reflection is the equal angle on the other side of the perpendicular of the angle of incidence.
16:52:48 query univ phy problem 15.48 (19.32 10th edition) y(x,t) = .75 cm sin[ `pi ( 250 s^-1 t + .4 cm^-1 x) ] What are the amplitude, period, frequency, wavelength and speed of propagation?
RESPONSE --> not assigned
16:52:52 ** y(x, t) = A sin( omega * t + k * x), where amplitude is A, frequency is omega / (2 pi), wavelength is 2 pi / x and velocity of propagation is frequency * wavelength. Period is the reciprocal of frequency. For A = .75 cm, omega = 250 pi s^-1, k = .4 pi cm^-1 we have A=.750 cm frequency is f = 250 pi s^-1 / (2 pi) = 125 s^-1 = 125 Hz. period is T = 1/f = 1 / (125 s^-1) = .008 s wavelength is lambda = (2 pi / (.4 * pi cm^-1)) = 5 cm speed of propagation is v = frequency * wavelength = 125 Hz * 5 cm = 625 cm/s. Note that v = freq * wavelength = omega / (2 pi) * ( 2 pi ) / k = omega / k. **