measuring atmospheric pressure

Your 'measuring atmospheric pressure' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** your comment **

** How does the system behave and how does it 'feel'? **

As I squeezed the bottle the water rose in the vertical tube and the water in the pressure tube moved toward the capped end during this I could feel the resistance of the air in the bottle pushing back against the wall.

** Length of the air column in units of your measuring device: **

I chose to use a standard ruler instead of the reduced because of inability to access to a printer at the time of completing the lab.

** Your report of the vertical position of the first mark relative to the water surface of the first mark, the length of the air column in units of your selected measuring device, and the two meniscus positions observed with each of your five trials. **

19.3 centimeters

It measured from 0 cm to 19.3 cm on the ruler as I measured from the lowest point of the meniscus to the beginning of the hot glue in the plug.

** Your report of the vertical position of the second mark relative to the water surface of the first mark, the length of the air column in units of your selected measuring device, and the two meniscus positions observed with each of your five trials. **


(19.3 when measured from 0), (34.3 when measured from 15)

15, 15.4

14.95, 15.4

15, 15.35

14.95, 15.4

15, 15.4

All the values are very close so the increase in pressure to raise the water to the 20 cm mark moved the water in the pressure indicating tube .4 centimeters.

** Your report of the vertical position of the highest mark relative to the water surface of the first mark, the length of the air column in units of your selected measuring device, and the two meniscus positions observed with each of your five trials. **


(19.3 when measured from 0), (34.3 when measured from 15)

15, 15.6

15, 15.6

15, 15.65

15, 15.6

14.95, 15.65

All the values support each being very similar so the increase in pressure to raise the water in the vertical tube to the 30 cm point moves the pressure indicating tube by .6 cm; .2 cm further than the first mark.

** Your report of the vertical position of the 'in-between' mark relative to the water surface of the first mark, the length of the air column in units of your selected measuring device, and the two meniscus positions observed with each of your five trials. **

40 cm

(19.3 when measured from 0), (34.3 when measured from 15)

15, 15.9

15, 16

15, 15.9

15, 15.9

14.95, 15.9

All the values support each being very similar so the increase in pressure to raise the water in the vertical tube to the 40 cm point moves the pressure indicating tube by .9 cm; .3 cm further than the second mark and .5 furthr than the first mark.

** **

Your responses have been reviewed and your data look good.

Please let me know if you have any questions related to this orientation assignment.