
course Phy 202

Experiment 28: Image FormationFocal Lengths

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Double Convex lenses

100 mm = 10 cm

50 mm = 5 cm

I used the 50 mm in the following:

Single Image of Candle:


Initial – Distance from screen to lens: 6.5 cm

Distance from candle to lens: 20 cm

50 cm from candle to lens:. 5 cm screen to lens

40 cm from candle to lens:. 5.6 cm screen to lens

30 cm from candle to lens:. 6.0 cm screen to lens

20 cm from candle to lens:. 6.5 cm screen to lens

Images of Double Light source:

50 cm from candles to lens

5.2 cm from lens to screen

4.7 cm of separation between flames

.9 cm separation between images

When left flame is blocked the right image disappears.

30 cm from candles to lens

5.7 cm from screen to lens

4.2 cm of separation between flames

1.2 cm of separation between images

20 cm from candles to lens

6.1 cm from screen to lens

4.7 cm of separation between flames

2 cm of separation between images

Within 3 cm of focal length

8 cm from candles to lens

7.2 cm from screen to lens

4.7 cm of separation between flames

6 cm of separation between images

Outside focal length by 1 cm

6 cm from candles to lens

4.5 cm from screen to lens

4.7 cm of flame separation

5 cm between images


The only way I could form a clear, bright spotlight was to place the candle 3 cm from the lens.

The sharpness and size decrease and the distance between the lens and light source increase.

Create an Image

40 cm away

Height of object: 6.2 cm

Height of image: 12.8 cm

Distance from 2nd lens: 47.1 cm

Distance from screen: 44.5 cm

30 cm away

Height of object: 6.2 cm

Height of image: 10.9 cm

Distance from 2nd lens: 52.6 cm

Distance from screen: 34.5 cm


1/f = 1/i + 1/o

Single Candle Image:

1/5 = (1/50) +(1/5)

.2 = .22 – close but not exact

1/5 = (1/40) + (1/5.6)

.2 = .203

1/5 = (1/30) + ( 1/6)

.2 = .2

1/5 = (1/20) + (1/6.5)

.2 = .187

Double Candle Image:

1/f = (1/o) + (1/i)

1/5 = (1/50) + (1/5.2)

.2 = .21

1/5 = ( 1/30) + (1/5.7)

.2 = .208

1/5 = (1/20) + (1/6.1)

.2 = .21

1/5 = (1/8) + (1/7.2)

.2 = .25

1/5 = (1/6) + (1/4.5)

.2 = .38

Create an Image

i/o = image size/object size

47.5/44.5 = 12.8/1.06

1.06 = 2.06 – not as close as I would have liked

52.6/34.5 = 10.9/6.2

1.52 = 1.75

The evidence that the two candles are inverted is that at any distance when you block the light from the left candle the image on the right of the screen disappears.


This is OK. Let me know if you have questions.