question form


Phy 121

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Question about Major Quiz 1

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Hello Dr. Smith,

This is Makenzi Van Dyke from your Physics 121 online class.

Since VHCC is closed on Monday, the testing center will not be open and as such, I was wondering if I could please take the quiz that is scheduled to be completed before midnight Monday, on Tuesday. I would appreciate it if an extension could be granted since the weather prevents us from taking this quiz at the college testing center as per the given instructions.

Your Assistance is greatly appreciated.


Makenzi Van Dyke

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Hello Dr. Smith,

This is Makenzi Van Dyke from your Physics 121 online class.

Since VHCC is closed on Monday, the testing center will not be open and as such, I was wondering if I could please take the quiz that is scheduled to be completed before midnight Monday, on Tuesday. I would appreciate it if an extension could be granted since the weather prevents us from taking this quiz at the college testing center as per the given instructions.

Your Assistance is greatly appreciated.


Makenzi Van Dyke


Tuesday would have been fine, as would any day this week.
