timer program

Your 'timer program' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

Your General Comment

Describe what you see on your first 10 clicks

It first starts with 205.0313 in one column and the same in the other. Then as I continue to click to time event, the first column increases in size and the second decreases significantly.

Your TIMER data from 20 fast clicks

1 875.0313 875.0313

2 875.1719 .140625

3 875.3125 .140625

4 875.4844 .171875

5 875.6094 .125

6 875.7969 .1875

7 875.9688 .171875

8 876.1563 .1875

9 876.3125 .15625

10 876.5 .1875

11 876.6563 .15625

12 876.8594 .203125

13 877.0313 .171875

14 877.2344 .203125

15 877.4219 .1875

16 877.6094 .1875

17 877.8125 .203125

18 877.9688 .15625

19 878.1563 .1875

20 878.3125 .15625

21 878.5 .1875

Your average time interval for 20 time intervals

0.1734 rounded

I got this by adding together the second column and then dividing by 20, but I did not use the first number because I was assuming that that one was not used or it would skew the average.

Your frequency distribution for the 20 time intervals (interval, number of times it was observed)

.125, 1

.140625, 2

.15625, 4

.171875, 3

.1875, 7

.203125, 3

Your general comment to this point

Why did you observe only certain time intervals?

I think that the program leaves room for error and rounds to the nearest times. It does not mean that the timer is useless or flawed, it just means that the program rounding to the most common interval.

What did you see when you looked at the differences between time successive time intervals?

It seems as though the TIMER program takes difference between the intervals.

Your time intervals for 7 complete breaths:











Your general comment to this point:

My breathes kept on increasing also as time passed

Why did you rarely, if ever, observe that same time interval twice?

Since the time difference is not as close together as before, a more accurate time can be taken.

Do you think this program is accurate to .1 or .01 ...

I would guess that the TIMER program is accurate to within about .001 second. Although I am not really sure I would guess this because there is up to 6 numbers after the decimal in the chart and I just thought 1/2 of that would be .001.

Copy of a few lines of your spreadsheet from the TIMER program.

Although I could not follow the steps given and instead had to copy and paste the information, here is what I have in the spreadsheet:

2852.438 2852.438

2865.375 12.9375

2875.984 10.60938

2888.203 12.21875

2897.313 9.109375

Well I was watching tv at the same time, but it took me about an hour I believe.

Good work on this experiment.