PHY Timer Expr

course PHY 202

This is a resubmission. I originally submitted it Monday morning.

Form ConfirmationThank you for submitting the following information:

identifyingInfo: Submitting Assignment: TIMER program

yourCourse: PHY 202

Contact_FirstName: Cody

Contact_LastName: Davenport



describe 10 clicks

It gives time intervals between clicks along with the running time since program opened.

20 fast clicks

1 98.89063 98.89063 2 99.01367 .1230469 3 99.13477 .1210938 4 99.26758 .1328125 5 99.40234 .1347656 6 99.53516 .1328125 7 99.65625 .1210938 8 99.77734 .1210938 9 99.91211 .1347656 10 100.0332 .1210938 11 100.166 .1328125 12 100.3125 .1464844 13 100.4453 .1328125 14 100.5801 .1347656 15 100.7129 .1328125 16 100.8613 .1484375 17 101.0039 .1425781 18 101.1133 .109375 19 101.2598 .1464844 20 101.3906 .1308594 21 101.5254 .1347656

ave of 20 time intervals

.1255865 101.5254-99.01367 = 2.51173 2.51173/20 = .1255865

freq dist 20 time intervals

.109375, 1 .1210938, 4 .1230469, 1 .1308594, 1 .1328125, 5 .1347656, 4 .1425781, 1 .1464844, 2 .1484375, 1

general comment

why only certain time intervals

No, it's just that it can only be so accurate. It seems to me that it is accurate to 3 sig figs.

differences between time intervals

The same numbers appear, and .03125 is basically double .01563. This shows the timer program is able to time in intervals of .01563 seconds.

breathing time intervals

9.783203 8.699219 8.431641 8.603516 8.964844 8.056641 9.730469 9.837891 9.539063 8.503906

general comment 2

why not same time interval twice

Because the interval times were greater, and we did not have as much control over hitting the same interval twice.

accurate to .1 or .01 etc

B. .01 seconds Because the differences between our intervals was something like .015

copy of spreadsheet from timer

Series of Breaths event number clock time time interval 1 823.0723 823.0723 2 832.8555 9.783203 3 841.5547 8.699219 4 849.9863 8.431641 5 858.5898 8.603516 6 867.5547 8.964844 7 875.6113 8.056641 8 885.3418 9.730469 9 895.1797 9.837891 10 904.7188 9.539063 11 913.2227 8.503906

How long did it take you to complete this experiment?

20 mins

Optional additional comments and/or questions:

Return to the form."

I did receive this earlier and it should have been posted.

In any case your work is very good.

Your Mth 152 assignments also look good. They should have been included in my previous email. They are also included in this one.