course Phy 201
Measuring dimensions of a domino
You measured the length, width and thickness of a domino and found its volume.
Insert a copy of your data here, along with any previously submitted work you wish to include:
Length= 13.5 cm
Width= 7.5 cm
Height= 3.5 cm
What is the volume of the domino you measured?
V= l*w*h
V= 354.38 cm^3
What do you find to be the uncertainties in length, width and thickness?
Erros include different types of measuring cm instruments plus human error. Lack of consistancy with different dominoes ie. cmf, cms, cmd, cmt
Assuming you can line everything up and read the the different rulers to within 1 mark, this would be the case.
It appears from your measurements that you used the triply reduced ruler. Do you think your results were accurate to within the smallest mark (the .1 cm_t mark) on that ruler? If not, were they accurate to within 2 marks, or maybe 3?
For example if you think you are accurate to within 5 marks (certainly you're a lot more accurate than that, but take this as an example), then this would be .5 cm_t / (13.5 cm_t) = .04 of the length, or 4% of the length. It would be more like 7% of the width, and an even greater percent of the thickness.
So based on your own perception of your accuracy, what do you think your percent errors were?
What therefore are the percent uncertainties in length, width and thickness?
Percent uncertainties revert back to the different types of cm measuring instruments you use. For example, if you use a cmf ruler, the percent error would be higher than using a cmt ruler by a factor of 3.
Which measurement has the greatest percent uncertainty and why?
cmf because it is a full centimeter and the other ones have smaller marks so you can be more certain.
What is the uncertainty in your calculated volume, based on percent uncertainties in your measurements of length, width and thickness?
It would be higher based on what ruller you used because Volume= l*w*h
Good, but you need to quantify the uncertainties. My note should give you the information you need.
Please see my notes and, unless my notes indicate that revision is optional, submit a copy of this document with revisions and/or questions, and mark your insertions with &&&& (please mark each insertion at the beginning and at the end).
Be sure to include the entire document, including my notes.
If my notes indicate that revision is optional, use your own judgement as to whether a revision will benefit you.