Lab 3


course Phy 201

Ball Drop

You dropped a ball from a measured and/or estimated height and estimated the time required for it to drop.

Insert a copy of your data here, along with any previously submitted work you wish to include:


5 ft from rest in .5 seconds

d's= 5 ft

d't= .5 sec


What do you think was the percent uncertainty in the measurement of height?


Percent uncertainty is approx Fall= .1 so .1/.5 sec = +- . 2 sec

Height= .05 so .05/5 ft = +- .01 ft


What do you think was the percent uncertainty in the measurement of the time of fall?


Fall= .1 so .1/.5 sec = +- . 2 sec


What were the average velocity and, assuming acceleration to have been uniform, the acceleration of the falling ball?


Vave = 5 ft/.5 sec = 10 ft/sec

V0= 0ft/sec

Vf= 20 ft/sec

d'v= 20 ft/sec

A= d'v/d't

A= 40 ft/sec^2 which is close to the actual 32ft/sec^2


Based on your uncertainty estimates for time of fall and height, what is the percent uncertainty in the acceleration as you observed it?


I added both the percent uncertainties together and come up with .15 so, it would be around +- .015 ft/sec and +- .00375 ft/se



Very good.
