Lab 14


course Phy 201

Truck overtakes car

You used a combination of three tracks to simulate the problem in which a car passes before I pull out in my truck.

Insert a copy of your data here, along with any previously submitted work you wish to include:


Car= 10 cm/s

Truck = accel 20 cm/s^2 from rest


V0= 0 cm/s

a= 20cm/s^2

d't= .5 sec

d'v= 10cm/s

d's= 2.5 cm

Car started at 10 cm

d't= .5 sec moved 5 cm so car is at 15 cm

Car is at 15 cm now so d's is 5 cm

Truck is at 2.5 cm


Explain how you positioned the ball representing the truck, the ball representing the car, and how you timed the release of each.


We placed the truck 10 cm in front of the car and released car first then released the truck when the car passed.


According to your data what was the velocity of the ball representing the car at the instant it passed the position of the ball representing the truck?


10 cm/s


According to your data what was the acceleration of the ball representing the truck?


20 cm/sec


According to your observations, what were the positions of the two balls when their velocities matched?


truck will be 2.5 cm down the ramp and the car will be 15 cm


According to your observations, at what position did the ball representing the truck overtake the ball representing the car?


FOr some reason I can not think how to do this problem right now, too much physics going on in my head to do a simple problem.


According to your previously calculated velocities and accelerations, at what position should the ball representing the truck overtake the ball representing the car?



You should have observed where this appears to occur. You're asked to calculate it in the next step.

Whether you have the information or not, if you have the time you should think through how to answer this question. It would be good practice.

However even if you don't, you're pretty much OK on this lab. You can improve it if you have the data, and/or if you solve the problem, but even without that your work is adequate, so it's your option.
