question form

MTH 174

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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10) Given the graph below, which depicts outflow vs. clock time and inflow vs. clock time for a reservoir:

*When was the quantity of water greatest and when least? Describe in terms of the behavior of the two curves.

* When was the quantity of water increasing fastest, and when most slowly? Describe in terms of the behavior of the two curves.



g' ={-x when 0 <= x <= 10, 4x when 10 <= x <= 15, x when 15 <= x <= 20, and -(1/2)x when x >= 20}

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This is from the assignments for 6.1. and there isn't a graph below the question. There is a reservoir question in the book, it's number 25. Is that the graph you want us to refer to?


Second part: when you are using the notation <= does that mean greater than or equal to? It is confusing how it is used because in problem 8, pasted above, the intervals are overlapping, i.e. at x= 10 the function is supposed to be both -x and 4x.

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And last: are we supposed to submit the assignment solutions or just submit the qa for each section?

Yes I believe that's the problem in the text.

That second problem should have read

Let g' ={-x when 0 <= x <= 10, 4x when 10 < x <= 15, x when 15 < x <= 20

I've changed the document so it now reads correctly.

Thanks for pointing out these oversights.

<= means 'less than or equal', and >= means 'greater than or equal'