MTH 174
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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Tests may be taken for practice. The instructor will give you feedback and an approximate grade on one practice test for each scheduled test or quiz.
To take a test or quiz in the Learning Lab, print out the current version of the test or quiz. Immediately have the Learning Lab attendant sign the test or quiz, then follow the attendant's instructions as to where to go to complete your work.
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Calculus II.
Test #1
Test #2
Test #3
Final Exam
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Do we just click on one the links (as illustrated above) to get a practice test to take? If we use the one that is linked then where do find the real test to take then? Are they generated randomly each time the link is clicked?
The tests are the real tests. But they're only 'real' if the attendent signs them within 10 minutes of the date stamp.
Note that the date stamp is 1 hour off. I'm aware of this and will compensate. Hopefully I'll get someone with administrative privileges over my server to set the clock right.
MTH 174
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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Tests may be taken for practice. The instructor will give you feedback and an approximate grade on one practice test for each scheduled test or quiz.
To take a test or quiz in the Learning Lab, print out the current version of the test or quiz. Immediately have the Learning Lab attendant sign the test or quiz, then follow the attendant's instructions as to where to go to complete your work.
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Calculus II.
Test #1
Test #2
Test #3
Final Exam
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Do we just click on one the links (as illustrated above) to get a practice test to take? If we use the one that is linked then where do find the real test to take then? Are they generated randomly each time the link is clicked?
The tests are the real tests. But they're only 'real' if the attendent signs them within 10 minutes of the date stamp.
Note that the date stamp is 1 hour off. I'm aware of this and will compensate. Hopefully I'll get someone with administrative privileges over my server to set the clock right.