#$&* course 12/6 4
Given Solution: RESPONSE --> 1000/P dP/dt = 100 - P dP/dt = (P/1000)*(100-P) dP/dt = 0.1P*[(100-P)/100] Therefore, L = 100; k = 0.1 P(0) = 200 A = (L - P(0))/P(0) = (100 200)/200 = -1/2 P = L/(1+Ae^(-kt) = 100/[1-(1/2)e^(-0.1t) Graphing this function with P(0) = 200 results in a curve that is concave up,at t=0 intercepts the y-axis (P) at P=200, and has L=100 as a horizontal asymptote. Therefore, P cannot be greater than 200 or less than 100.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): ????So do we not attempt to solve this problem with the same approach we have been trying to solve with. By that I mean should we try to solve for L and k and not set up and solve the Integrals which are set equal to each other. I believe the answer to this is yes we can use the integrals(because we worked thru an equation like this in the notes) but this method is a more efficient approach to the problem????????? Solution makes sense all the same>
Given Solution: 10:54:48 what are your values of a and b?
RESPONSE --> I don't understand what this question is asking for. I plotted P v. t, and I used the calculator to fit a logistic equation to this data: P = 469.245/[1+46.432e^(-0.021t)] But this is as far as I got. The items requested in the question don't match what's in the text. Between 1800 and 1850 we have `dP / `dt = (23.1 - 5.3) / (1850 - 1800) = 17.8 / 50 = .36, approx.., meaning that the average rate of population change was .36 million per year. During this interval the average population was about (5.3 + 23.1) / 2 = 14.2, meaning 14.2 million. However this is a linear estimate of the average value of a nonlinear function; the actual average is probably closer to 11 million or so, which would be a geometric mean. The midpoint of the time interval is 1825. So (with the caveat that we are using a linear approximation on an interval where the nonlinearity is significant) we would say that the rate .36 million per year corresponds to population 14.2 at clock time 1825. This gives us (`dP / `dt) / P = .025, meaning .025 million per year per million of population. This could be interpreted as a birth rate or fertility rate of 2.5% (note that a million per year per million of population is the same a the number per year per individual). Similar calculations for the four intervals defined by the data give us the following, where P_mid and t_mid are the midpoint population and clock time as they would be estimated by a piecewise linear graph (i.e., a trapezoidal graph) of P vs. t: `dP/`dt P_mid t_mid (`dP/`dt) / P_mid 0.356 14.2 1825 0.025070423 1.058 49.55 1875 0.02135217 1.48 113 1925 0.013097345 2.4675 199.35 1970 0.012377728 Measuring time from the reference point 1800 we obtain `dP/`dt P_mid t_mid (`dP/`dt) / P_mid 0.356 14.2 25 0.025070423 1.058 49.55 75 0.02135217 1.48 113 125 0.013097345 2.4675 199.35 170 0.012377728 The graph of (`dP / `dt) / P_mid vs. t_mid is not perfectly linear, but the linear best-fit will clearly have vertical intercept near .027 or .028, and a slope near -.0001. In fact the best-fit line is given by Excel as -.0001 t + .0275. Our population model would therefore be the equation (dP / dt) / P = -.0001 t + .0275. This equation could be solved for P by first rearranging it to give us dP / P = (-.0001 t + .0275) dt. Integrating gives us ln | P | = .0275 t - .00005 t^2 + c so that | P | = e^( .0275 t - .00005 t^2 + c ) and, if A = e^c, | P | = A e^(.0275 t - .00005 t^2) for A > 0. Since negative population is not relevant, our final solution is just P = A e^(.0275 t - .00005 t^2) for A > 0.
10:55:00 What are the coordinates of your graph points corresponding to years 1800, 1850, 1900, 1950 and 1990?
RESPONSE --> See previous response.
10:55:09 According to your model when will the U.S. population be a maximum, if ever?
RESPONSE --> See previous response.
10:55:17 Give your solution to the differential equation and describe your sketch of the solution.
RESPONSE --> See previous response. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating: ********************************************* Question: Query problem 11.7.28 was 11.7.14 (was 10.7.18) dP/dt = P^2 - 6 P YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: The graph of dP/dt against P for positive P of dP/dt = P^2 6P is clearly a quadratic fn where when using our quadratic formula plugging in the values a = 1, b = -6, c = 0 we find the zeros of the equation to be 6 and 0. So as our fn passes thru our orgin(starting pt is (0, 0) because we are only dealing with pos values of P) our rate of change is neg until t reaches 6 at which rate of change is zero then continues to grow exponentially. confidence rating #$&*:3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: describe your graph of dP/dt vs. P, P>0
RESPONSE --> dP/dt on y-axis, P on x-axis Graph is a portion of a parabola. From (0,0) graph is decreasing and concave up with a minimum at (3,-9), then increasing, passing (6,0) and continuing to increase without bound.
11:20:55 describe the approximate shape of the solution curve for the differential equation, and describe how you used your previous graph to determine the shape; describe in particular how you determined where P was increasing and where decreasing, and where it was concave of where concave down
RESPONSE --> For P(0)=5: I plotted a portion of the slope field from the the previous graph to determine the shape of the solution curve, beginning with slope = -5 for Pzero=5. Since the slopes are all negative from P = 5 to P = 0, with increasingly negative slopes until P = 3 (slope -9), and then decreasingly negative slopes to P = 0, P decreases towards 0 as a limit (where the slope is 0). The curve is concave down from t = 0 until P reaches 3, which occurs at t = 0.5 (approx.) (this point corresponds the the minimum of (3,-9) on the dP/dt v. P curve--slope of P'=0). The curve is then concave up as t increases without limit and the curve approaches P = 0. For P(0)=8, the slope of the curve is positive and rapidly increasing, thus P increases without bound as t>>infinity. The curve is concave up throughout, since dP/dt is increasing without bound as P increases.
11:43:16 describe how the nature of the solution changes around P = 6 and explain the meaning of the term 'threshold population'.
RESPONSE --> If P(0) < 6, then then dP/dt is initially negative, P is decreasing, and dP/dt remains negative as P approaches 0 as a limit. If P(0) > 6, dP/dt is initially positive, P is increasing, and dP/dt remains positive as P increases without bound. If P(0) = 6, dP/dt = 0 and the population remains 6 as t increases. Threshold population is the minimum initial population above which the population will grow as t increases. In this case the threshold population is 6, and the population will grow as long as P(0) > 6. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): I left out minimum and maximum pt but understand where they are located. ------------------------------------------------ Self-critique Rating:3 ********************************************* Question: Query 11.8.6 (was page 570 #10) robins, worms, w=2, r=2 init YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Your solution: At first the robin Population begins to increase but as soon as this happens the worm pop instantly starts to decrease and decreases faster and faster until a max rate of decrease in the pop is hit. Once this max is hit the pop of the robins is now beginning to be affected, meaning the robin pop starts to decrease. as the robin starts to decrease after a small interval of time the worm pop starts to increase again and continues to grow which causes an increase in the robin pop. This completes the cycle which continues infinitely until the rate of change of the worms or the robins is affected by some outside source related to something other than the effects their growth have on each other. confidence rating #$&*:3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Given Solution: what are your estimates of the maximum and minimum robin populations, and what are the corresponding worm populations?
RESPONSE --> Using the slope field to create the closed curve, the maximum robin population is approximately 2,500 with a corresponding worm population of approximately 1,000,000. The minimum robin population is approximately 400 with a corresponding worm population also approximately 1,000,000. Since dr/dt = -r +wr, with w(0)=2 and r(0) = 2, dr/dt = -2 + (2)(2) = +2. Therefore, r is intially increasing and the population point is moving counterclockwise around the closed curve. Good. For reference:
11:57:08 Explain, if you have not our a done so, how used to given slope field to obtain your estimates.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Self-critique (if necessary): This is the first example of a dependencey between two populations that that has really opened my eyes and made clear a lot of the ideas of rate of change and how you can work out formulas or solutions so that you are not dealing in terms of time or dist. alone. That sveral other factors can influence and be accounted for in terms of reasoning of these equations we use to find how fast(or slow) our sample is effected by change in time or dist. or whatever. Really brought it home for some reason, not so sure why. I once was blind but now I see, at least a little better ten I did.