MTH 271
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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Did you receive my Proctor information???? I was the student who emailed you about the situation with my grandfather and that's why my Orientation was submitted so late....you posted the revised late schedule also where I got a late start. I will be one of the students who submit tests and the quiz only, I am confident the weight of the grade from those will be enough. So do I need to submit another proctor form???? Thank you have a good day. Stephen Martin
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@& You listed an elementary school as a proctor site. There is often a lot of red tape involved when a proctor site other than a college testing center is used. In the case of an elementary or secondary school the principal must accept the responsibility for the testing; the principal may then delegate the testing to a teacher. Howver many principals, especially at the elementary level, do not wish to get involved in the process, so this is not always possible.
If you want me to pursue this possibility I will.
However it isn't that far from Honaker to one of the three community colleges in Southwest Virginia (VHCC, SWCC and VHCC), and you might find it easier (and more certain) to arrange testing at one of those institutions.
Let me know how you want me to proceed.
I should also caution you that few students are able to succeed in the course without submitting the assignments and getting my feedback. It does sometimes happen, but not often.*@