question form


Mth 279

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Question about due dates

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From Blackboard Supervised Study Site:

The Due Dates page for your course, which you will encounter in the process of the Orientation, is set up in blocks of about a week each. The assignments for a given week should be submitted by the end of that week. There is no penalty for late work, except that if you get in the habit of falling further and further behind your chances of successfully completing the course plummet.

From Class Notes q_a for first class

These submissions, and assigned text problems, will count as 20% of your test grade. If they are late, you get half credit. Your work will be due between 5 and 7 days following posting of the associated class notes, as specified with the posting.

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I originally read the posted information on the Blackboard Self Study Site that stated there are no penalties for late work past the posted due dates. After reading this information I did not complete the work that was assigned for the first 4 weeks of the course including the first Test as I was waiting for the course DVD's in the mail as well as doing other work for my course here at Virginia Tech. As I proceeded to read the notes for the first class, it is stated that there is a 50% grade penalty for work turned in late. I am currently 9 assignments and a test behind the schedule because I read the originally information on the Blackboard site that there is no penalty for late work.

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Specifically, my question is: Will I receive a 50% penalty on the work and Test 1 since I am behind the schedule?

@& I'm glad to hear from you.*@

@& Given the delays in getting the DVD's to you (the original package was returned, due to a clerical error on this end), we won't worry about a penalty, which in any case applies only to homework.

I am revising videos, on a schedule about 1 chapter ahead of the posted schedule. This is so I can gear the videos to the needs of current students. I've taught this course many times, but only twice in the last five years (both times in the classroom, and both times with outstanding students) and I want to be sure I'm aiming the videos at the right level.

The videos are linked on the Assignments Page.*@