Mth 164
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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I am working on the assignments that are due today. I have completed orientation, assignment 0, and all of assignment 1 except for the query and chapter 5 problems. I have several questions about the assignment process as follow:
1. Regarding this : Text Section 6.1
Mth 164-41 students Summer 2011 note: Section 6.1 in the Sullivan text corresponds closely with Sections 6.3 and 6.4 in the Bittinger text, which should prepare you for the problem assignment given below. Correspondences with the Bittinger text will be provided for each text assignment, and will appear in this purple font.
...What exactly does this mean for me to do? Am I just to teach myself the material in the given sections?
@& Instruction is delievered through the qa's and the DVD's, as well as the text.
The intent is that you do the q_a_, read the text, work the problems, and submit the Query for each assignment.
You might or might not need the qa's. You could view the DVD material associated with this assignment, then read the text, then do the assignment. However I recommend that for the first assignment or two you actually do the qa's, so you will know how this scheme works. Then if you think you can skip the qa's and go directly to the DVD and the text, it's fine.
The q_a_ is designed to give you an introduction to upcoming concepts and procedures. It is designed to be worked through before you do anything else in the assignment, though you are free to use it at any point. You might or might not find that you need to use the qa's. You may of course work through the qa's in your head until you get to the point where you find it useful to answer and self-critique.*@
2. Regarding the Chapter 5 Problems, are there answers to these somewhere, or are they just for practice? And I don't submit those, correct?
@& Those are the problems you should work. You will usually find very similar problems in your text, half of which are odd-numbered and will have answers in the back. You are always welcome to submit a Question Form about any problem you encounter in your text, in the problem assignments, etc..
Unless you have questions you aren't asked to submit the problems in the assignment, but the Query will ask you in-depth questions about selected problems.*@
3. Regarding the queries; those are essentially the same format as the q/a? (work out problem, then compare to given answer) And are those to be submitted using the Submit Work form?
@& That is correct.*@
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I am going to try to finish up section 1 and complete sections 2 and 3 today so that I will have them submitted in time. If that doesn't work out, I will do what I haven't finished first thing tomorrow-the deadline is a little flexible, correct? Thanks for your help.
@& Good plan.
Day-to-day deadlines are flexible. You'll want to go through the process on the first section, get your feedback, etc..*@