question form


Mth 158

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** Question Form_labelMessages **

First Week Assignments

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I am a little confused as to what activities after the initial activities I am supposed to complete. I see on the Due Dates page it says this: Week 01: Complete Initial Activities, Introductory Assignment on Key Systems, and Assignments 0 and 1. ( )

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I have completed all of the Initial activities except for Part 4 (which I am still working on). First, I don't understand what the Introductory Assignment on Key Systems is or where is is located. There does not appear to be anything about this on the Assignments page.

Second, I am not sure where to find the questions for Assignment 1. It says Work text problems 8, 11, 14, 17, etc.. ( ) I assume this is found in our text book? If so, where are the page numbers for these located? I have not received my text book yet, however, so it will be a few days possibly before I would be able to complete this part.

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Text problems are at the end of each section. Assignments refer to section numbers in your text.

You will have completed Assignment 0 when you have completed the Initial Activities.

I'm not sure where you saw Part 4 or Introduction to Key Systems, but those assignments are not for your course.

Go by the menu along the left-hand side of the page at your course homepage
