question form


Mth 174

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** Question Form_labelMessages **

Part 4 Confusion

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There is a problem with Part 4 on the initial activities link.

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I do not understand why the part for on the initial activities link lists the activities as follows.

Part 4: Review, Assessment and First Assignments.

B1. typewriter notation

B2. describing graphs

B3. calculus

B4. physics

B5. physics intro assignment

B6. rates

B7. areas

B8. volumes

B9. units of volume measure

And Part 4 on our Calculus with Analytic Geometry II homepage appears as follows.

Part 4: Review, Assessment and First Assignments.

B1. typewriter notation

B2. describing graphs

B3. precalculus

B4. calculus

B5. calculus intro assignment

B6. rates

B7. areas

B8. volumes

B9. surface areas _ misc

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The Part 4 from the initial activities link found through the link posted on getting started on blackboard is different from the Part 4 on our Homepage. I do not understand which Part 4 we are supposed to do. To stay on schedule I am using my best judgment and assuming that you would rather us to the Part 4 on the Calculus Homepage instead of the one on the initial activities page, (which has intro assignments for physics). Please help as soon as possible. Thank you!


I believe I've answered your question through email. Let me know if not.

And thanks again for pointing this out.
