Phy 201
Your 'cq_1_01.2' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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The problem:
Answer the following:
How accurately do you think you can measure the time between two events using the TIMER program?
answer/question/discussion: ->->->->->->->->->->->-> scussion (start in the next line):
About as fast as my hand to eye coordination will allow. If I click the timer program as fast as I can I get a time of .109375. I assume the most accurate I can get will be .000001 just based on this.
@& The TIMER might output a lot of decimal places, but it only distinguishes differences down to about .01 second.*@
What is the shortest time interval you think you would be able to measure with reasonable accuracy?
answer/question/discussion: ->->->->->->->->->->->-> scussion (start in the next line):
I think I could reasonably measure a time interval within 0.1 seconds. Any smaller than this the accuracy would probably be skewed some because of my reaction time. It's difficult to stop the timer exactly when needed when times get any lower than this.
@& You can click at about .1 second intervals, but you couldn't react accurately to two events separated by .1 second.*@
How does the percent error in timing intervals change as the time between the events gets smaller?
answer/question/discussion: ->->->->->->->->->->->-> scussion (start in the next line):
As the time between events gets smaller the percent error between events gets larger because it's harder to measure the shorter times as accurately.
@& also because you're basing your percent on a smaller interval*@
How accurately are you able to measure the positions of the ball and the pendulum in the initial video?
answer/question/discussion: ->->->->->->->->->->->-> scussion (start in the next line):
The timer only goes to 0.001, so the accuracy will go to +-0.001 seconds. The accuracy of the position could be measured to +-0.1 inches because that's as accurate as the measuring tape was.
@& You appear to be using the Java timer, which might be accurate to within .001 second.*@
@& Good. See my notes.*@