Your work on pearl pendulum has been received. We will look at your data later in the context of the entire group's data on this experiment.
It looks like you did a good job of improvising a pendulum. However this experiment doesn't take that long, and it would be a good idea to repeat this experiment with the actual apparatus, just to see if the results are consistent.
I have not received my books or physics kit yet, it was ordered over a week ago. I will need to check with the bookstore tomorrow. I will do my best with the experiments. I would like to repeat this one once I have my lab kit, as I have a feeling the pendulum I created moved too much.
With the pendulum untilted, the sounds get closer together, or the rhythm gets faster.
The sounds get closer together a lot quicker than when the pendulum was not tiltd. The rhythm gets faster.
The pendulum hit the bracket approximately 12 times. It was a very steady rhythm. I have it tilted slighty away from the magnet, to where the pearl is barely touching the bracket.
Bracket base is parallel to the side of the book, it swings at a steady rhythm.
45 deg - still steady
90 deg - still steady
135 deg - rhythm gets faster
180 deg - rhythm gets faster
225 deg - rhytm gets faster
270 deg - rhytm gets faster
315 deg - rhytm gets faster
I would orient the bracket to have a slight til toward the lower half of the book, similar to attempting to have it on a completely level surface, so that the pearl is barely touching if slightly away from the bracket.
Time between release of pendulum and 2nd hit:
Interval 1 .609
Interval 2 .641
Interval 3 .672
Interval 4 .657
Interval 5 .797
Interval 6 .719
Interval 7 .672
Interval 8 .594
Interval 1: .828, .938, .969, .953, .984, 1.328
Interval 2: .797, .984, .969, .953, 1.102, 1.266
Interval 3: .828, .969, 1.016, 1.188, 1.047
Interval 4: .735, 1.031, 1.078, 1.016. 1.125, 1.48
22.6 cm
2nd hit).797
6th) 1.008
12th) 1.358
The pendulum has a farther distance to travel from the release point, versus the first hit. It is released at a 90 deg. angle from the top of the bracket, and for the first hit, it drops to a 45 deg. angle. It's covering more distance and moving faster.
Once again, the angle lessesn from the first and the second hit. Even though it's covering more distance, it's traveling faster.
The difference in angles between the release and the second hit was about 1/2. Between the 2nd and 4th, the change in angle lessens.
Like I explained above, the angles decrease with each hit. The difference in angles between the 2nd and 4th hit, are greater than those between the 4th and 6th. Smaller distances to cover, and the speed is slowing down.
Because it is moving the fastest of the pendulum swings, starting at the greatest angle from the bracket. It starts slowing down and decreasing in angle with the later intervals.
If all things remain unchanged, they should stay about the same. I think my pendulum moved slightly between intervals, it wasn't as steady as a bracket, hence the variance.
I think this does not support that hypothesis, its supports the opposite. It appears that the length is dependent on how far it swings. The greater the angle the faster the pendulum swings.