course phy121 I accidentally submitted the experiment on the ball rolling down the incline. I've got your data. After the due date we will continue analysis of the results of this experiment, using your results and those obtained from other students. I accidentally submitted the ball rolling answers without my header information, sorry about that. I am submitting it here so you can either compare, or use this one, not sure which is easier. " S1will steeper ramp give greater or less The time required to roll the length of the ramp will be least for the steepest ramp. as slopes increase will time intervals incr, decr, or no pattern If we went from least to greatest slopes, the time intervals would decrease, taking less time to roll as we increased the slope. 5 trials each way 1 domino Right 1)1.934 2)1.891 3)2.047 4)1.828 5)1.891 Left 1)1.656 2)1.469 3)1.813 4)1.703 5)1.766 5 trials each way 2 dominoes Right 1)1.407 2)1.266 3)1.234 4)1.281 5)1.25 Left 1)1.188 2)1.234 3)1.359 4)1.281 5)1.203 5 trials each way 3 dominoes Right 1)0.984 2)1.031 3)1.016 4)1.016 5)0.984 Left 1)1.078 2)1.047 3)1.016 4)1.000 5)0.938 support or fail to support hypothesis Well, I'm not 100% sure. Yes, it appears that the greater the slope, the faster the ball travels. However, I do not know how to account for the error of my accuracy in timing these events. There is a difference, but is it significant enough? The higher the slope, the less time it appears to take. Just like the pendulum, I wonder if you remove the observer's error, if the differences would exist. how do you think ave vel related to slope Based on this experiment, it would appear the average velocity of the ball increases with the steepness of the slope. The greater the slope, the sharper the drop for the ball, hence it picks up more speed as it rolls down. The more level the plane, the less pull on the ball so it does not increase its velocity as much when it rolls down a smaller slope. speculate on why ave vel changes with slope My speculation is that the more slope, the more pull on the ball to go downhill. If I roll a ball across a flat surface, it doesn't go as fast as if I rolled it from the top of a hill. It's a round object, which also adds to its ability to increase as it travels downhill. how to test speculations as explanations I think more trials would need to be conducted and statistical comparisons made on the data. Or, if a more controlled experiment could be conducted that would remove the human error. I have a feeling there exist formulas for just such a thing, and can probably be run on a computer. Return to the form.