Chapter 32 Query


course Mth 151

3/8 around 6:20

013. `query 13


Question: `q3.2.6 ~(p^q) false; truth values of components


Your solution: p^q is true.

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Given Solution:

`a**The question asks for the truth values of p and q that would make the statement ~(p^q) false. If ~(p^q) is false then p^q is true, which means that both p and q must be true.**


Self-critique (if necessary):


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Question: `q3.2.18 p false q true ~[(~p^~q) U ~q]


Your solution: All false.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

`a**~p ^ ~q is false because ~q is false. One false is fatal to a conjunction.

~q is false so both parts of the disjunction [(~p^~q) U ~q] are false. Thus [(~p^~q) U ~q] is false.

The negation ~[(~p^~q) U ~q] of this statement is therefore true.**


Self-critique (if necessary):


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Question: `q3.2.36 p: 15<8 q: 9 not > 5 r: 18 <= 18 evaluate -(p U -q) U -r


Your solution: p and q are false. R is true.

confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution:

`a** p and q are both false statements, while r is a true statement.

It follows that p U ~q is true: since ~q is true the disjunction is true.

It therefore follows that ~(p U ~q) is false.

Since r is true, ~r is false.

Thus ~(p U ~q) U ~r is a disjunction of two false statements, ~(p U ~q) and ~r.

A disjunction of two false statements is false.

So the statement is false. **


Self-critique (if necessary):


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