course Phy 121
I believe that this is the experiment required from the class notes on disc 2 entitled 8/24/98 on velocity and accleration. I believe I'm supposed to watch the next 2 dated for 8/26/98 and 8/28/98. I'm having trouble getting clairty on that. Also I didn't see the q_a_class_notes on the disc. Is that somewhere else or is just submitting the answers to the questions posed what you want?
Experiment requested by class notes on velocity and acceleration 8/24/98.a.) I was asked to prove that when a ball rolls down an incline that velocity on the lower half is greater than velocity on the initial or upper half.
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b.) I was also asked to determine as closely as possible the the ratio of the average velocity on the lower half to that on the initial half.
In order to prove part (a) I marked a 30cm incline pushed up by 1 domino and placed a bracket at the other end to stop the ball. I then marked off the following placements at 5, 15, and 25 CMs. I used the timer program and clocked the ball as it passed through these 3 points. 15 CM was chosen because it is the halfway point of 30 CM. 5 and 25 were chosen as they were exactly 10 CM away from the midpoint thus creating an initial (or top) half and a bottom half. I did the trial 5 times. Here were the results of that trial:
CM pts Time1 Time2 Time3 Time4 Time5
5 .711 .547 .609 .719 .664
15 .609 .555 .664 .664 .703
25 .438 .484 .438 .383 .383
We can see by the data that the time at the top from 5 to 15 CMs took just a little longer than it did from 15 to 25 CMs thus confirming that the velocity is faster on the bottom.
To answer part (b) I took the average time it took to travel from 5 to 15 CM which was .64 seconds and I divided it into 10 CM which was the distance traveled and got 15.63 CM/s on the average. For the bottom half I did the same as it took on average .43 seconds to travel from 15 to 25 CMs I again divided this into 10 and got that on the bottom half the average velocity was 23.26 CM/s. It didn't look like much of a difference on paper but when you look at it like this it's quite a difference.
I hope this is right!
Good work.