Phy 121
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one week behind
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I'm employeed Monday thru Friday about 11 hours a day. So, I use Saturday and Sunday to help keep up with Physics assignments in addition to evenings. Two weekends ago I had to work Saturday and Sunday and became 1 week behind in assignments. I had hoped to catch up by today, but its not going to happen. I will keep adding time on my end until I catch up.
In the mean time is there anything else I should do?
At the moment my first proctored quiz may be one week behind. Is that OK or should I take it on time even though I don't think I've covered all the material yet?
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My current detailed status is that as of now I am complete with assignments 0 through 8. To be on time I have to complete assignments 9, 10 and 11 by Wednesday night. I'm confident I won't be done with those three by then.
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Wait until you've completed the specified assignments before taking the Major Quiz. I believe you would do well even if you took it now, but wait and be sure.
Phy 121
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CD video vs assignments
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I can't corolate the folders on the CDs with assignments. I see all the folders, but can't say what classes they are for. So far I've worked assignments 0 through 8 and I beleive there are videos on the CD, but I can't decipher which videos on the CD are for what assignments.
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So, for example, how could I tell what videos on the CDs are used in assignment 09?
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On the Assignments Page the Class Notes document is assigned in the Class Notes column.
Assignment 9 lists Class Notes #08-09.
The document
in the root folder of your DVD contains a menu. That menu has links entitled
Disk 0
Disk 2
Disk 3
Intro Problem Set 3
Intro Problem Sets 4, 5, 6
If you click on Disk 2 you get the menu
Introduction to course View for overview of the course, preferably with early assignments.
Class #1: Velocity and Acceleration (ball rolling down incline)
Class #2: Position Graph from Velocity Graph (constant acceleration)
Class #3: Inferences from a constant-acceleration v vs. t graph
Class #4: Inferences from Initial and Final Velocities on a Known Time Interval, Const Accel
Class #5: Lab Exercise; The Use of Flow Diagrams in Problem-Solving
Class Notes #06: Acceleration vs. Ramp Slope Experiment; Deriving Equations of Motion aided by Diagrams
If you click on Disk 3 you get the menu
Class Notes #07: The Equations of Uniformly Accelerated Motion
Class Notes #08: Force and Acceleration
Class Notes #09: Experiment: Work and Acceleration on a Ramp
Class Notes #10: Experiment: Force and Acceleration on a Level Ramp
Class Notes #11: Newton's Second Law and Energy; Force vs. slope; acceleration vs. slope; force vs. acceleration
Class Notes #12: Work and Energy: Rubber Band accelerating Rail
For Assignment 9 you are looking for Class Notes #08 and Class Notes #09, which you will find on Disk 3.