Assignment 3-randomized problem

course Mth 173

9/23 12:50pm

Assignment 3: Randomized ProblemDetermine the average rate at which the quadratic function y = .02 t2 + -2.4 t + 77 changes between clock times t = 32.2 and t = 32.2 + .1 sec; between clock times t = 32.2 and t = 32.2 + .01 sec; and between clock times t = 32.2 and t = 32.2 + .001 sec. At what rate do you conjecture this function will be changing at the instant t = 32.2 sec?

T=32.2 then y=20.457 t=32.21 then y=20.445

T=32.3 then y=20.346 t=32.201 then y=20.456

(20.346-20.457)/(32.3-32.2)=-1.11cm/s (20.456-20.457)/(32.201-32.2)=-11.118cm/s




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