question form

MTH 163

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This is not a question so much as a helpful tip. I recall from the DERIVE exercise you were looking for a way to use the keyboard to switch back and forth between the plot window and the algebra window. I've discovered this can be done on the keyboard with Ctrl + Tab (just as alt + tab switches between programs in Windows).

Also, I find it helpful when you have both a plot window and an algebra window open simultaneously, you can click on the Window menu on the top menu bar and then click on tile vertically, which will place the two windows nicely side by side within the DERIVE window.

I am using DERIVE 6.1 (I think), so I'm not sure if this will apply to previous versions, but I hope you find it helpful.

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Those tips are great. I'm using DERIVE 5 and they work just fine.

I use alt-tab all the time, and should have thought of trying ctrl-tab. The logic is so clear in hindsight.

Many thanks for sharing these tips. They will be an immediate and lasting help to me.