Your work on pearl pendulum has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
with the bracket tilter back the sounds get closer together and the rhythm speeds up.
the pearl stikes the bracket less frequently with each bounce but the rhythm slightly slows until the peral no longer hits the bracket.
I used a shim under the bracket where the pendulum is located. The rhythm seemed very steady until the last 2 times the pedulum bounced off the bracket. The pendulum hit the bracket 8 times.
With the bracket parallel to the sides of the book and the pendulum pointed toward the bottom of the book the sounds of the pendulum seem to be consistantly steady.
45 degrees from the starting point of the bracket the sound is slightly steady but still slow.
90 degrees from the starting point the sound is fairly steady.
135 degrees from starting point the sound is slightly faster than the last.
At 180 degrees from starting point the sound has increased and is faster.
225 degrees the sound is slowing from the 180 degree point but still seemingly fast.
270 degrees the sound is fairly steady but slowing.
315 degrees the sound has slowed.
And at 360 degrees is the starting point.
I would orient the bracket parallel to the side of the book with the pedulum facing the bottom of the book.
.437, .609, .563
.438, .391, .594, .719
.453, .453, .5, .469
.531, .359, .5
9 cm
Gravity pulls the pendulum to fall and hit the bracket.
The pendulum bounces off the bracket and depending on how the bracket is struck the pendulum usually does not bounce as far as the point is was realeased from.
Between the second and fourth hits the time intervals have shortened.
The momentum of the penedulum has slowed increasingly between the 2nd hit and the 6th hit.
Because of having to release the pendulum.
The shorter the length the less far the pendulum can swing giving it more momentum the longer the length the further the pendulum is able to swing slowing the momentum and causing the time intervals to lengthen.
Everything looks good on my first read-through--no apparent difficulties and no obvious errors.
This arrived after the due date, but should be posted in readable form within a few days.