Your work on timer program has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
Your General Comment
Describe what you see on your first 10 clicks
I see numbers increasing which which I think represents the time it took me to click ten times from the time I opened the program. The numbers on the right are the seconds between clicks.
Your TIMER data from 20 fast clicks
1 176.1523 176.1523
2 176.3086 .15625
3 176.4648 .15625
4 176.625 .1601563
5 176.7969 .171875
6 176.9531 .15625
7 177.1055 .1523438
8 177.2617 .15625
9 177.4336 .171875
10 177.5898 .15625
11 177.75 .1601563
12 177.9219 .171875
13 178.0586 .1367188
14 178.2148 .15625
15 178.375 .1601563
16 178.5898 .2148438
17 178.7305 .140625
18 178.8555 .125
19 179.0898 .234375
20 179.25 .1601563
21 179.4023 .1523438
22 179.5586 .15625
23 179.7148 .15625
24 179.875 .1601563
25 180.0273 .1523438
26 180.875 .8476563
27 181.0469 .171875
28 181.2148 .1679688
29 181.3867 .171875
30 181.5898 .203125
31 181.75 .1601563
32 181.9336 .1835938
33 182.1055 .171875
34 182.3281 .2226563
Your average time interval for 20 time intervals
I took the seconds it took me to get to twenty clicks and subtracted that number from the time recorded at the first click.
179.25 - 176.1523 = 3.0977
I have to divide the total time elasped by 20 clicks to give me my interval between clicks.
20 / 3.0977 = 0.154885
Your frequency distribution for the 20 time intervals (interval, number of times it was observed)
.125, 1
.1367188, 1
.140625, 1
.1523438, 2
.15625, 6
.1601563, 4
.171875, 3
.2148438, 1
.234375, 1
Your general comment to this point
Directions are very explicit.
Why did you observe only certain time intervals?
It could coincidental that you click those buttons. There is really no absolute way to know for sure if this system is flawed.
What did you see when you looked at the differences between time successive time intervals?
These numbers shows the differnce in intervals or the speed in which I would slow down of speed up.
Your time intervals for 7 complete breaths:
What you have given here is clock times, not time intervals. Very easy, of course, to get the intervals from what you have given here, but be sure you understand the difference between clock time and time interval.
Your general comment to this point:
Why did you rarely, if ever, observe that same time interval twice?
I am not going to take the same amount of time between each exhale/inhale.
Do you think this program is accurate to .1 or .01 ...
D because it measures to the ten thousanths of a second.
Copy of a few lines of your spreadsheet from the TIMER program.
I do not have excel on my home computer.
Your responses have been reviewed and everything looks good.
Please let me know if you have any questions related to this orientation assignment.