course I recently emailed you have not heard a response. I wanted to inform you about why I am taking this class. I read in the syllabus it was helpful to know individually why students were taking this course. I need this class for my Interdisciplinary Studies degree through the ODU teltechnet. Math is not a good subject for me but so far I think things are going ok. I have to earn a C or better and do not feel very confident with this course but I have put A LOT of time into these assignmnets etc. I informed in my last email that I would be out of town the week of June 25 so I will be submitting as much of that weeks assignments as I can a week early. I also wanted clarification on when we were to take the tests. I am currently on the rubberbands experiment but I do not have any marks on my rubber bands...what is your suggestion for completing this experiment? Thanks, Lisa Arthur "