question form


MTH 152

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Question Form_labelMessages **

New Semester

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Good Morning ~

I am excited to have you again this semester- Am I understanding correctly from the syllabus that we can use the same book as we did last semester from Math 151 (the 11th edition) instead of purchasing the new edition? I just wanted to make sure.

Also, you would be so proud---I GOT your DVD/CD this time! Yay! I am sure that is going to help me in a big way this semester (remember last semester I was not aware there was a DVD that went with the course, all my mistake).

Wishing you a better, less eventful personally semester this spring.


So far, so good this semester. I'm really enjoying my classroom contact with students, which was missing last semester (my in-class courses got farmed out to other instructors; I still had a full load with distance classes). I find that the balance between distance classes and face-to-face classes gives me the best of both worlds.

I'm really glad to have you back as a student this semester. Great that you got the disks.

You can continue with the same text. That shouldn't be a problem.

Note that you don't need to repeat anything you did last term for the Initial Activities. The A3 document will give you the URL for your homepage.
