

course Phy 121

If your solution to stated problem does not match the given solution, you should self-critique per instructions at



At the end of this document, after the qa problems (which provide you with questions and solutions), there is a series of Questions, Problems and Exercises.   

002.  Velocity


Question:  `q001.  Note that there are 17 questions in this assignment.


If an object moves 12 meters in 4 seconds, then what is its average velocity? Explain how you obtained your result in terms of commonsense ideas.



Your solution: 


 12m/4sec= 3m/sec

moving 3m in 1 second, will result in moving 3m, doing so 4 times will result in moving twelve meters.



confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution: ok

Moving 12 meters in 4 seconds, we move an average of 3 meters every second. 


We can imagine dividing up the 12 meters into four equal parts, one for each second.  Each part will span 3 meters, corresponding to the distance moved in 1 second, on the average.




Self-critique (if necessary):ok




Self-critique rating:ok


Question:  `q002.  How is the preceding problem related to the concept of a rate?




Your solution: The average velocity is the average rate of speed over an interval. It is calculated much the same way velocity is.



confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution: ok


A rate is obtained by dividing the change in a quantity by the change in another quantity on which is dependent.  In this case we divided the change in position by the time during which that change occurred.


More specifically


The rate of change of A with respect to B is defined to be the quantity (change in A) / (change in B).


An object which moves 12 meters in 3 seconds changes its position by 12 meter during a change in clock time of 3 seconds.  So the question implies


Change in position = 12 meters

Change in clock time = 3 seconds


When we divide the 12 meters by the 3 seconds we are therefore dividing (change in position) by (change in clock time).  In terms of the definition of rate of change:


the change in position is the change in A, so position is the A quantity.

the change in clock time is the change in B, so clock time is the B quantity.




(12 meters) / (3 seconds) is

(change in position) / (change in clock time) which is the same as

average rate of change of position with respect to clock time.




average velocity is average rate of change of position with respect to clock time.



Self-critique (if necessary):ok




Self-critique rating:ok


Question:  `q003.  We are still referring to the situation of the preceding questions:

Is object position dependent on time or is time dependent on object position?




Your solution:  The object position is dependent on time, the time is the independent variable and will keep going whether the object is or not.



confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution: ok

Object position is dependent on time--the clock runs whether the object is moving or not so time is independent of position.  Clock time is pretty much independent of anything else (this might not be so at the most fundamental level, but for the moment, unless you have good reason to do otherwise, this should be your convention).




Self-critique (if necessary):ok




Self-critique rating:ok


Question:  `q004.  We are still referring to the situation of the preceding questions, which concern average velocity:

So the rate here is the average rate at which position is changing with respect to clock time.  Explain what concepts, if any, you missed in your explanations.




Your solution: 



confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution: 


Be sure you have reviewed all the definitions and concepts associated with velocity.  If there’s anything you don’t understand, be sure to address it in your self-critique.



Self-critique (if necessary):




Self-critique rating:


Question:  `q005.  If an object is displaced -6 meters in three seconds, then what is the average speed of the object?  What is its average velocity?  Explain how you obtained your result in terms of commonsense images and ideas.



Your solution: Average speed = 6m/3sec= 2m/sec

Average velocity= -6m/3sec= -2m/sec

Both are calculated the same way, but velocity is negative because it dictates the direction the object changes too.



confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution: ok

Speed is the average rate at which distance changes with respect to clock time.  Distance cannot be negative and the clock runs forward.  Therefore speed cannot be negative. 


Velocity is the average rate at which position changes with respect to clock time, and since position changes can be positive or negative, so can velocity.


In general distance has no direction, while velocity does have direction. 


Putting it loosely, speed is just how fast something is moving; velocity is how fast and in what direction.

In this case, the average velocity is

vAve = `ds / `dt = -6 m / (3 s) = -2 m/s.


Self-critique (if necessary):ok




Self-critique rating:ok


Question:  `q006.  If `ds stands for the change in the position of an object and `dt for the time interval during which its position changes, then what expression stands for the average velocity vAve of the object during this time interval?




Your solution:  vAve= ds/dt



confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution: ok

Average velocity is rate of change of position with respect to clock time. 


Change in position is `ds and change in clock time is `dt, so average velocity is expressed in symbols as


vAve = `ds / `dt.




Self-critique (if necessary):ok




Self-critique rating:ok


Question:  `q007.  How do you write the expressions `ds and `dt on your paper?




Your solution: Delta s / Delta t



confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution: ok

You use the Greek capital Delta when writing on paper or when communicating outside the context of this course; this is the symbol that looks like a triangle.  See Introductory Problem Set 1.


`d is used for typewritten communication because the symbol for Delta is not interpreted correctly by some Internet forms and text editors.  You should get in the habit of thinking and writing  the Delta  symbol when you see `d. 


You may use either `d or Delta when submitting work and answering questions.




Self-critique (if necessary):ok




Self-critique rating:ok


Question:  `q008.  If an object changes position at an average rate of 5 meters/second for 10 seconds, then how far does it move?


How is this problem related to the concept of a rate?




Your solution: Delta D= 5m/s *10sec =50m

This problem uses the rate and the time to come up with the distance.



confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution: ok

In this problem you are given the rate at which position changes with respect to time, and you are given the time interval during which to calculate the change in position. 

The definition of rate of change states that the rate of change of A with respect to B is (change in A) / (change in B), which we abbreviate as `dA / `dB.  `dA stands for the change in the A quantity and `dB for the change in the B quantity.

For the present problem we are given the rate at which position changes with respect to clock time.  The definition of rate of change is stated in terms of the rate of change of A with respect to B. 

So we identify the position as the A quantity, clock time as the B quantity.

The basic relationship

ave rate = `dA / `dB

can be algebraically rearranged in either of two ways:

`dA = ave rate * `dB or

`dB = `dA / (ave rate)

Using position for A and clock time for B the above relationships are

ave rate of change of position with respect to clock time = change in position / change in clock time

change in position = ave rate * change in clock time

change in clock time = change in position / ave rate.

In the present situation we are given the average rate of change of position with respect to clock time, which is 5 meters / second, and the change in clock time, which is 10 seconds.

Thus we find

change in position = ave rate * change in clock time = 5 cm/sec * 10 sec = 50 cm.


Self-critique (if necessary):ok




Self-critique rating:ok


Question:  `q009.  If vAve stands for the rate at which the position of the object changes with respect to clock time (also called velocity) and `dt for the time interval during which the change in position is to be calculated, then how to we write the expression for the change `ds in the position?




Your solution: 

 vAve*dt= ds



confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution: ok

To find the change in a quantity we multiply the rate by the time interval during which the change occurs. 


The velocity is the rate, so we obtain the change in position by multiplying the velocity by the time interval: 


`ds = vAve * `dt. 


The units of this calculation pretty much tell us what to do: 


We know what it means to multiply pay rate by time interval (dollar / hr * hours of work) or automobile velocity by the time interval (miles / hour * hour).

When we multiply vAve, for example in in units of cm / sec or meters / sec, by `dt in seconds, we get displacement in cm or meters.  Similar reasoning applies if we use different measures of distance.




Self-critique (if necessary):ok




Self-critique rating:ok


Question:  `q010.  Explain how the quantities average velocity vAve, time interval `dt and displacement `ds are related by the definition of a rate, and how this relationship can be used to solve the current problem.




Your solution: vAve= ds/dt



confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution: ok

vAve is the average rate at which position changes.  The change in position is the displacement `ds, the change in clock time is `dt, so vAve = `ds / `dt.




Self-critique (if necessary):ok




Self-critique rating:ok


Question:  `q011.  The basic rate relationship vAve = `ds / `dt expresses the definition of average velocity vAve as the rate at which position s changes with respect to clock time t.  What algebraic steps do we use to solve this equation for `ds, and what is our result?




Your solution: multiplying each side of the equation by dt isolates ds and reluts in the equation vAve*dt=ds



confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution: ok

To solve vAve = `ds / `dt for `ds, we multiply both sides by `dt.  The steps: 


vAve = `ds / `dt.  Multiply both sides by `dt:

vAve * `dt = `ds / `dt * `dt     Since `dt / `dt = 1

vAve * `dt = `ds      .  Switching sides we have

`ds = vAve * `dt.




Self-critique (if necessary):ok




Self-critique rating:ok


Question:  `q012.  How is the preceding result related to our intuition about the meanings of the terms average velocity, displacement and clock time?




Your solution: The preceding equations intuitively makes sense since the average velocity or the rate of change, multiplied by a interval of time, will yield the total displacement.



confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution: ok

For most of us our most direct intuition about velocity probably comes from watching an automobile speedometer. 


We know that if we multiply our average velocity in mph by the duration `dt of the time interval during which we travel, we get the distance traveled in miles.  From this we easily extend the idea. 


Whenever we multiply our average velocity by the duration of the time interval, we expect to obtain the displacement, or change in position, during that time interval.




Self-critique (if necessary):ok




Self-critique rating:ok


Question:  `q013.  What algebraic steps do we use to solve the equation vAve = `ds / `dt for `dt, and what is our result?




Your solution: multiply each side by dt to get dt*vAve=ds then divide each side by vAve to get dt=vAve*ds



confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution: ok

To solve vAve = `ds / `dt for `dt, we must get `dt out of the denominator.  Thus we first multiply both sides by the denominator `dt.  Then we can see where we are and takes the appropriate next that.  The steps: 


vAve = `ds / `dt.  Multiply both sides by `dt:

vAve * `dt = `ds / `dt * `dt     Since `dt / `dt = 1

vAve * `dt = `ds.  We can now divide both sides by vAve to get `dt = `ds / vAve.




Self-critique (if necessary):ok




Self-critique rating:ok


Question:  `q014.  How is this result related to our intuition about the meanings of the terms average velocity, displacement and clock time?




Your solution:  This equation would allow you to know how long to get somewhere given the speed you would be traveling and the distance you would be traveling.



confidence rating #$&*:



Given Solution: ok

If we want to know how long it will take to make a trip at a certain speed, we know to divide the distance in miles by the speed in mph. 


If we divide the number of miles we need to travel by the number of miles we travel in hour, we get the number of hours required.  This is equivalent to the calculation `dt = `ds / vAve.

We extend this to the general concept of dividing the displacement by the velocity to get the duration of the time interval. 


When dealing with displacement, velocity and time interval, we can always check our thinking by making the analogy with a simple example involving miles, hours and miles/hour.



Self-critique (if necessary):ok




Self-critique rating:ok


You should submit the above questions, along with your answers and self-critiques. 


Question:  `q015.  A ball falls 20 meters from rest in 2 seconds.  What is the average velocity of its fall? 

Your answer should begin with the definition of average velocity, in terms of the definition of an average rate of change.


Your solution: vAve=ds/dt

vAve=-20m/2sec= -10m/s 



confidence rating #$&*:



Question:  `q016.  A car moves at an average speed of 20 m/s for 6 seconds.  How far does it move?

Your answer should begin with the definition of average velocity, in terms of the definition of an average rate of change.


Your solution: 






confidence rating #$&*:



Question:  `q017.  An object's position changes by amount `ds during a time interval `dt.  What is the expression for its average velocity during this interval?

Your answer should begin with the definition of average velocity, in terms of the definition of an average rate of change.


Your solution: vAve= ds/dt



confidence rating #$&*:



Self-critique rating:ok


Questions, Problems and Exercises

You should answer the questions and work the problems as given below, as appropriate to your course.  Your work should normally be handwritten, should include diagrams and sketches where appropriate, and should go into your Physics notebook (not into your lab notebook). 

If the course is not specified for a problem, then  students in all physics courses should do that problem. 

Principles of Physics students need not do the questions or problems that are specified for General College Physics or University Physics. 

General College Physics students need not do questions or problems specified for University Physics.

University Physics students should do all questions and problems. 

Principles of Physics students may if they wish do some of the questions and problems specified for General College Physics, but this is neither expected nor required.   These problems are accessible to Principles of Physics students, but are generally more challenging that what is expected of students in this course.  (Some University Physics problems will also be accessible to Principles of Physics students, though some will not.) 

General College Physics students who wish to do so are welcome to work some or all of the University Physics questions and problems, though this is neither expected nor required.  Many of the University Physics questions and problems are more challenging than those expected of General College Physics students, and a number of the problems require the use of calculus, which is not expected of General College Physics students.

You are not expected to submit these questions and problems.  It would take too much of your time to key in all the answers and solutions.  The Query at the end of the assignment will ask you selected questions, which you will at that time be expected to answer based on the work you have done in your notebook. 

Problems related to qa

Guidelines for solving problems and answering questions:

Include all steps in your solution.

Every quantity which has units must be given in terms of those units.

If a question involves an average rate of change of one quantity with respect to another, explain specifically, as best you can, how your solution is related to the definition of an average rate of change.  This definition is in terms of quantites A and B; be sure you identify quantity A and quantity B.  Jot down notes like 'quantity A stands for ... with unit of ...', and 'quantity B stands for ... with unit of ... '.  This will help you avoid a great deal of confusion.

Your explanations may be concise and may use reasonable abbreviations, but must clearly show your thinking.

You need to actually work out your algebra and be prepared to explain it, including the details of the algebra of your units.

1.  If the position of an object changes from 34 cm at clock time 4.6 seconds to 87 cm at clock time 5.3 seconds, then during this interval what is the average rate of change of its position with respect to clock time?

2.  If the velocity of an object changes from 12 cm/second at clock time 6.9 seconds to 20 cm/s at clock time 15.3 seconds, then what is the rate of change of its velocity with respect to clock time?

3.  What is your best estimate of the average velocity of the object in #2, for the given time interval?

4.  If the average rate of change of position with respect to clock time during a certain interval is 24 meters / second, and if the interval lasts for 5 seconds, then what quantity can you determine by applying the definition of an average rate of change?  Find this quantity and explain in detail how you found it.

5.  What is wrong with saying the average velocity = position / clock time?

Text-related questions:

1.  What is the percent uncertainty in a measured time interval of 3.4 seconds, given that the timing mechanism has an uncertainty of +- .1 second?  What is the percent uncertainty in a time interval of .87 seconds, measured using the same mechanism?   When using this mechanism, how does the percent uncertainty in measuring a time interval depend on the duration of that interval?

2.  What is the uncertainty in the following reported measurements, and what is the percent uncertainty in each?

5.8 centimeters

2350 kilometers

350. seconds



3.  What is the uncertainty in the area of a rectangle, based on reported length 23.7 cm and width 18.34 cm?

4.  (Principles of Physics students are invited to solve this problem, but are not required to do so):  What is the approximate uncertainty in the area of a circle, based on a reported radius of 2.8 * 10^4 cm?

5.  What is your height in meters, and your ideal mass in kilograms?  How much uncertainty do you think there is in each, and why?


Self-critique rating:

&#Your work looks very good. Let me know if you have any questions. &#


#$&* delim




Question:  Explain how velocity is defined in terms of rates of change.




Your solution: Velocity is the change in position divided by the change in time.



confidence rating #$&*:3



Given Solution:  Average velocity is defined as the average rate of change of position with respect to clock time.

The average rate of change of A with respect to B is (change in A) / (change in B).

Thus the average rate of change of position with respect to clock time is

ave rate = (change in position) / (change in clock time).




Self-critique (if necessary):ok




Self-critique Rating:




Question:  Why can it not be said that average velocity = position / clock time?




Your solution: Because with out knowing both the starting and ending positions and clock times, there is no way to tell that any change occurred.



confidence rating #$&*:3



Given Solution:  The definition of average rate involves the change in one quantity, and the change in another. 

Both position and clock time are measured with respect to some reference value.  For example, position might be measured relative to the starting line for a race, or it might be measured relative to the entrance to the stadium.  Clock time might be measure relative to the sound of the starting gun, or it might be measured relative to noon.

So position / clock time might, at some point of a short race, be 500 meters / 4 hours (e.g., 500 meters from the entrance to the stadium and 4 hours past noon).  The quantity (position / clock time) tells you nothing about the race.

There is a big difference between (position) / (clock time) and (change in position) / (change in clock time).




Self-critique (if necessary):ok




Self-critique Rating:ok



Question:  Explain in your own words the process of fitting a straight line to a graph of y vs. x data, and briefly discuss the nature of the uncertainties encountered in the process.  For example, you might address the question of how two different people, given the same graph, might obtain different results for the slope and the vertical intercept.


Your solution: fitting a straight line to a data plot involves approximating a slope and intercept so that the sum of squares error is minimal. This is difficult to do by eyeballing it, especially if the data does not conform to an obvious linear pattern.



confidence rating #$&*:3



Question: ok

(Principles of Physics and General College Physics students)  What is the range of speeds of a car whose speedometer has an uncertainty of 5%, if it reads 90 km / hour?  What is the range of speeds in miles / hour?


Your solution: 90*.05= 4.5

Range(km/hr)= 85.4,94.5


Range(mph)= 85.4(.62),94.5(.62)= 53.01,58.59



confidence rating #$&*:3




Given Solution:  5% of 90 km / hour is .05 * 90 km / hour = 4.5 km / hour.  So the actual speed of the car might be as low as 90 km / hour - 4.5 km / hour = 85.5 km / hour, or as great as 90 km / hour + 4.5 km / hour = 94.5 km / hour.

To convert 90 km / hour to miles / hour we use the fact, which you should always know, that 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters.  This is easy to remember, and it is sufficient to convert between SI units and British non-metric units.

Using this fact, we know that 90 km = 90 000 meters, and since 1 meter = 100 centimeter this can be written as 90 000 * (100 cm) = 9 000 000 cm, or 9 * 10^6 cm.

Now since 1 inch = 2.54 cm, it follows that 1 cm = (1 / 2.54) inches so that 9 000 000 cm = 9 000 000 * (1/2.54) inches, or roughly 3 600 000 inches (it is left to you to provide the accurate result; as you will see results in given solutions are understood to often be very approximate, intended as guidelines rather than accurate solutions).  In scientific notation, the calculation would be 9 * 10^6 * (1/2.54) inches = 3.6 * 10^6 inches.

Since there are 12 inches in a foot, an inch is 1/12 foot so our result is now 3 600 000 *(1/12 foot) = 300 000 feet (3.6 * 10^6 * (1/12 foot) = 3 * 10^5 feet). 

Since there are 5280 feet in a mile, a foot is 1/5280 mile so our result is 300 000 * (1/5280 mile) = 58 miles, again very approximately.

So 90 km is very roughly 58 miles (remember this is a rough approximation; you should have found the accurate result).

Now 90 km / hour means 90 km in an hour, and since 90 km is roughly 58 miles our 90 km/hour is about 58 miles / hour.

A more formal way of doing the calculation uses 'conversion factors' rather than common sense.  Common sense can be misleading, and a formal calculation can provide a good check to a commonsense solution:

We need to go from km to miles.  We use the facts that 1 km = 1000 meters, 1 meter = 100 cm, 1 cm = 1 / 2.54 inches, 1 inch = 1/12 foot and 1 foot = 1 / 5280 mile to get the conversion factors (1000 m / km), (100 cm / m), (1/2.54 in / cm), (1/12 foot / in) and (1/5280 mile / ft) and string together our calculation:

90 km / hr *  (1000 m / km) * (100 cm / m) * (1/2.54 in / cm) * (1/12 foot / in) * (1/5280 mile / ft) = 58 mi / hr (again not totally accurate).

Note how the km divides out in the first multiplication, the m in the second, the cm in the third, the inches in the fourth, the feet in the fifth, leaving us with miles / hour.


Self-critique (if necessary):ok




Self-critique Rating:ok




Question:  (Principles of Physics students are invited but not required to submit a solution)  Give your solution to the following:  Find the approximate uncertainty in the area of a circle given that its radius is 2.8 * 10^4 cm. 


Your solution: 



confidence rating #$&*:




Given Solution: 

** Radius 2.8 * 10^4 cm means that the radius is between 2.75 * 10^4 cm and 2.85 * 10^4 cm. 

We regard 2.75 *10^4 cm as the lower bound and 2.85 *10^4 cm as the upper bound on the radius.  2.75 is .05 less than 2.8, and 2.85 is .05 greater than 2.8, so we say that the actual number is 2.8 +- .05.

Thus we express the actual radius as (2.8 +- .05) * 10^4 cm, and we call .05 * 10^4 cm the uncertainty in the measurement.

The area of a circle is pi r^2, with which you should be familiar (if for no reason other than that you used it and wrote it down in the orientation exercises)..

With this uncertainty estimate, we find that the area is between a lower area estimate of pi * (2.75 * 10^4 cm)^2 = 2.376 * 10^9 cm^2 and and upper area estimate of pi * (2.85 * 10^4 cm)^2 = 2.552 * 10^9 cm^2. 

The difference between the lower and upper estimate is .176 * 10^9 cm^2 = 1.76 * 10^8 cm^2.

The area we would get from the given radius is about halfway between these estimates, so the uncertainty in the area is about half of the difference.

We therefore say that the uncertainty in area is about 1/2 * 1.76 * 10^8 cm^2, or about .88 * 10^8 cm^2.

Note that the .05 * 10^4 cm uncertainty in radius is about 2% of the radius, while the .88 * 10^8 cm uncertainty in area is about 4% of the area. 

The area of a circle is proportional to the squared radius. 

A small percent uncertainty in the radius gives very nearly double the percent uncertainty in the squared radius. **


I don't recall seeing any problems like this in any of our readings or assignments to this point


The idea of percent uncertainty is presented in Chapter 1 of your text.

The formula for the area of a circle should be familiar.

Of course it isn't a trivial matter to put these ideas together.


I don't understand the solution. How does .176 * 10^9 become 1.76 * 10^8? I understand that there is a margin of error because of the significant figure difference, but don't see how this was calculated.


.176 = 1.76 * .1, or 1.76 * 10^-1.

So .176 * 10^9 = 1.76 * 10^-1 * 10^9. Since 10^-1 * 10^9 = 10^(9 - 1) =10^8, we have

.176 * 10^9 = 1.76 * 10^8.

The key thing to understand is the first statement of the given solution:

Radius 2.8 * 10^4 cm means that the radius is between 2.75 * 10^4 cm and 2.85 * 10^4 cm.

This is because any number between 2.75 and 2.85 rounds to 2.8.  A number which rounds to 2.8 can therefore lie anywhere between 2.75 and 2.85.

The rest of the solution simply calculates the areas corresponding to these lower and upper bounds on the number 2.8, then calculates the percent difference of the results.


STUDENT COMMENT:  I understand how squaring the problem increases uncertainty and I understand the concept of 

a range of uncertainty but I am having trouble figuring out how the range of 2.75 * 10^4 and 2.85*10^4 were established 

for the initial uncertainties in radius.


The key is the first sentence of the given solution:

'Radius 2.8 * 10^4 cm means that the radius is between 2.75 * 10^4 cm and 2.85 * 10^4 cm.'

You know this because you know that any number which is at least 2.75, and less than 2.85, rounds to 2.8.

Ignoring the 10^4 for the moment, and concentrating only on the 2.8:

Since the given number is 2.8, with only two significant figures, all you know is that when rounded to two significant figures the quantity is 2.8. So all you know is that it's between 2.75 and 2.85.


I honestly didn't consider the fact of uncertainty at all. I misread the problem and thought I 

was simply solving for area. I'm still not really sure how to determine the degree of uncertainty.


Response to Physics 121 student:

This topic isn't something critical to your success in the course, but the topic will come up. You're doing excellent work so far, and it might be worth a little time for you to try to reconcile this idea.

Consider the given solution, the first part of which is repeated below, with some questions (actually the same question repeated too many times). I'm sure you have limited time so don't try to answer the question for every statement in the given solution, but try to answer at least a few. Then submit a copy of this part of the document.


Note that a Physics 201 or 231 student should understand this solution very well, and should seriously consider submitting the following if unsure.  This is an example of how to break down a solution phrase by phrase and self-critique in the prescribed manner.


** Radius 2.8 * 10^4 cm means that the radius is between 2.75 * 10^4 cm and 2.85 * 10^4 cm. 

Do you understand what this is saying, and why it is so? If not, tell me what you think you understand, what you are pretty sure you don't understand, and what you think you might understand but aren't sure.


We regard 2.75 *10^4 cm as the lower bound and 2.85 *10^4 cm as the upper bound on the radius. 2.75 is .05 less than 2.8, 

and 2.85 is .05 greater than 2.8, so we say that the actual number is 2.8 +- .05.

Do you understand what this is saying, and why it is so? If not, tell me what you think you understand, what you are pretty sure you don't understand, and what you think you might understand but aren't sure.


Thus we express the actual radius as (2.8 +- .05) * 10^4 cm, and we call .05 * 10^4 cm the uncertainty in the measurement.

Do you understand what this is saying, and why it is so? If not, tell me what you think you understand, what you are pretty sure you don't understand, and what you think you might understand but aren't sure.



The area of a circle is pi r^2, with which you should be familiar (if for no reason other than that you used it and wrote it 

down in the orientation exercises).

With this uncertainty estimate, we find that the area is between a lower area estimate of pi * (2.75 * 10^4 cm)^2 = 2.376 * 

10^9 cm^2 and and upper area estimate of pi * (2.85 * 10^4 cm)^2 = 2.552 * 10^9 cm^2. 

Do you understand what this is saying, and why it is so? If not, tell me what you think you understand, what you are pretty sure you don't understand, and what you think you might understand but aren't sure.



The difference between the lower and upper estimate is .176 * 10^9 cm^2 = 1.76 * 10^8 cm^2.

Do you understand what this is saying, and why it is so? If not, tell me what you think you understand, what you are pretty sure you don't understand, and what you think you might understand but aren't sure.



The area we would get from the given radius is about halfway between these estimates, so the uncertainty in the area is about 

half of the difference.

We therefore say that the uncertainty in area is about 1/2 * 1.76 * 10^8 cm^2, or about .88 * 10^8 cm^2.

Note that the .05 * 10^4 cm uncertainty in radius is about 2% of the radius, while the .88 * 10^8 cm uncertainty in area is 

about 4% of the area. 

Do you understand what this is saying, and why it is so? If not, tell me what you think you understand, what you are pretty sure you don't understand, and what you think you might understand but aren't sure.


The area of a circle is proportional to the squared radius. 

A small percent uncertainty in the radius gives very nearly double the percent uncertainty in the squared radius.

Do you understand what this is saying, and why it is so? If not, tell me what you think you understand, what you are pretty sure you don't understand, and what you think you might understand but aren't sure.


If you wish you can submit the above series of questions in the usual manner.




I said the uncertainty was .1, which gives me .1 / 2.8 = .4.


A measurement of 2.8 can be taken to imply a number between 2.75 and 2.85, which means that the number is 2.8 +- .05 and the uncertainty is .05. This is the convention used in the given solution. 

(The alternative convention is that 2.8 means a number between 2.7 and 2.9; when in doubt the alternative convention is usually the better choice.  This is the convention used in the text.

It should be easy to adapt the solution given here to the alternative convention, which yields an uncertainty in area of about 8% as opposed to the 4% obtained here).


Using the latter convention, where the uncertainty is estimated to be .1:

The uncertainty you calculated would indeed be .04 (.1 / 2.8 is .04, not .4), or 4%.  However this would be the percent uncertainty in the radius.

The question asked for the uncertainty in the area.  Since the calculation of the area involves squaring the radius, the percent uncertainty in area is double the percent uncertainty in radius.  This gives us a result of .08 or 8%. The reasons are explained in the given solution.


Note the following:

A = pi r^2, so the derivative of area with respect to radius is

dA/dr = 2 pi r. The differential is therefore

dA = 2 pi r dr.

Thus an uncertainty `dr in r implies uncertainty

`dA = 2 pi r `dr, so that

`dA / `dr = 2 pi r `dr / (pi r^2) = 2 `dr / r.


`dr / r is the proportional uncertainty in r.

We conclude that the uncertainty in A is 2 `dr / r, i.e., double the uncertainty in r.


I looked at this, and not sure if I calculated the uncertainty correctly, as the radius squared yields double the uncertainty. I know where this is in the textbook, and do ok with uncertainty, but this one had me confused a bit.


In terms of calculus, since you are also enrolled in a second-semester calculus class:

A = pi r^2

The derivative r^2 with respect to r is 2 r, so the derivative of the area with respect to r is dA / dr = pi * (2 r).

If you change r by a small amount `dr, the change in the area is dA / dr * `dr, i.e., rate of change of area with respect to r multiplied by the change in r, which is a good commonsense notion.

Thus the change in the area is pi * (2 r) `dr. As a proportion of the original area this is pi ( 2 r) `dr / (pi r^2) = 2 `dr / r.

The change in the radius itself was just `dr. As a proportion of the initial radius this is `dr / r.

The proportional change in area is 2 `dr / r, compared to the proportional change in radius `dr / r.

That is the proportional change in area is double the proportional change in radius.


I used +-.1 instead of using +-.05. I understand why your solution used .05 and will use this method in the future.


Either way is OK, depending on your assumptions. When it's possible to assume accurate rounding, then the given solution works. If you aren't sure the rounding is accurate, the method you used is appropriate.


Self-critique (if necessary):




Self-critique Rating:



Question:  What is your own height in meters and what is your own mass in kg (if you feel this question is too personal then estimate these quantities for someone you know)? 

Explain how you determined these. 

What are your uncertainty estimates for these quantities, and on what did you base these estimates?



Your solution: Heignt= 5ft 10in Weight=150lb

Height= (70in)x(2.54cm/1in)x(1m/100cm)=1.77M



confidence rating #$&*:3




Given Solution: 

Presumably you know your height in feet and inches, and have an idea of your ideal weight in pounds.  Presumably also, you can convert your height in feet and inches to inches. 


To get your height in meters, you would first convert your height in inches to cm, using the fact that 1 inch = 2.54 cm.  Dividing both sides of 1 in = 2.54 cm by either 1 in or 2.54 cm tells us that 1 = 1 in / 2.54 cm or that 1 = 2.54 cm / 1 in, so any quantity can be multiplied by 1 in / (2.54 cm) or by 2.54 cm / (1 in) without changing its value.


Thus if you multiply your height in inches by 2.54 cm / (1 in), you will get your height in cm.  For example if your height is 69 in, your height in cm will be 69 in * 2.54 cm / (1 in) = 175 in * cm / in.


in * cm / in = (in / in) * cm = 1 * cm = cm, so our calculation comes out 175 cm.


 5 feet times 12 inches in a feet plus six inches = 66 inches. 66inches * 2.54 cm/inch = 168.64 cm. 168.64 cm * 

.01m/cm = 1.6764 meters.


Good, but note that 66 inches indicates any height between 65.5 and 66.5 inches, with a resulting uncertainty of about .7%.

168.64 implies an uncertainty of about .007%.

It's not possible to increase precision by converting units.


My height in meters is - 5’5” = 65inches* 2.54cm/1in = 165cm*1m/100cm = 1.7m. My weight is 140lbs* 

1kg/2.2lbs = 63.6kg. Since 5’5” could be anything between 5’4.5 and 5’5.5, the uncertainty in height is ???? The 

uncertainty in weight, since 140 can be between 139.5 and 140.5, is ??????


Your height would be 5' 5"" +- .5""; this is the same as 65"" +- .5"".

.5"" / 65"" = .008, approximately, or .8%. So the uncertainty in your height is +-0.5"", which is +-0.8%.

Similarly you report a weight of 140 lb +- .5 lb.

.5 lb is .5 lb / (140 lb) = .004, or 0.4%. So the uncertainty is +-0.5 lb, or +- 0.4%.


I am a little confused. In the example from another student her height was 66 inches and you said that her height could be between 65.5 and 66.5 inches. but if you take the difference of those two number you get 1, so why do you divide by .5 when the difference 

is 1


If you regard 66 inches as being a correct roundoff of the height, then the height is between 65.5 inches and 66.5 inches. This makes the height 66 inches, plus or minus .5 inches. This is written as 66 in +- .5 in and the percent uncertainty would be .5 / 66 = .007, about .7%.

If you regard 66 inches having been measured only accurately enough to ensure that the height is between 65 inches and 67 inches, then your result would be 66 in +- 1 in and the percent uncertainty would be 1 / 66 = .015 or about 1.5%.


If a doctor were to say his inch marker measured to the nearest 1/4 inch, would that be the uncertainty?

Meaning, would I only have to multiply that by .0254 to find the uncertainty in meters, dividing that by my height to find the percent 



That's pretty much the case, though you do have to be a little bit careful about how the rounding and the uncertainty articulate.

For example I'm 72 inches tall. That comes out to 182.88 cm. It wouldn't make a lot of sense to say that I'm 182.88 cm tall, +- .64 cm. A number like 182.88 has a ridiculously high number of significant figures.

It wouldn't quite be correct to just round up and say that I'm 183 cm tall +- .64 cm. We might be able to say that I'm 183 cm tall, +- .76 cm, but that .76 cm again implies more precision than is present.

We would probably end up saying that I""m 183 cm tall, +- 1 cm. 

Better to overestimate the uncertainty than to underestimate it.

As far as the percent uncertainty goes, we wouldn't need to convert the units at all.  In my case we would just divide 1/4 in. by 72 in., getting about .034 or 3.4%.


Self-critique (if necessary):ok




Self-critique Rating:ok



Question:  A ball rolls from rest down a book, off that book and onto another book, where it picks up additional speed before rolling off the end of that book. 

Suppose you know all the following information:

How far the ball rolled along each book.

The time interval the ball requires to roll from one end of each book to the other.

How fast the ball is moving at each end of each book.

How would you use your information to calculate the ball's average velocity on each book?

How would you use your information to calculate how quickly the ball's speed was changing on each book?


Your solution: 

S1=initial speed on book 1

S2= final speed on book 1

S3= initial speed on book 2

S4=final speed on book 2

D1= distance traveled on book 1

D2= distance traveled on book 2

 Average velocity on book one= (S2-S1)/D1

Average Velocity on book two= (S3-S4)/D2

confidence rating #$&*:3





Very good.

Note: Be sure you use your VCCS email address, not your ehc address, when submitting work.
