question form


PHY 232

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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Grade Expectations

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I have a question about what I should do in order to receive at least a C in the course.

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My specific question relates to the grades of the course. I have went through the orientation and read the syllabus. In order to receive a C in this course, what assignments and other material would I be able to skip.

@& I can't give you a good recommendation until I've seen at least your first three assingments or so.

However I can give you a bottom line. To make at least a C in the course you would need a passing lab average, and a C average on labs and tests, as indicated in the syllabus.

It is that a student can achieve a passing average in this course without some feedback from the instructor. Howver it is often possible to do so without completing every last detail of all assignments. My suggestion is that you complete everything in the first three assignments, then ask again.*@